So soll das sein. :)
Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen, interessanten und ergebnisreichen Ruhestand.
Mein persönlicher Traum ist, im Ruhestand einen (nicht gewinnorientiert arbeitenden) Kleinverlag zu gründen und dort einige meiner Lieblingsgeschichten von #TheodoreSturgeon in neuer Übersetzung herauszubringen.
Bin immer noch frustriert darüber, dass sich der Shayol Verlag damals in Luft auflöste, deren beide Sturgeon-Bände mag ich sehr. :)
Science fiction doesn't just interrogate what the gadget does, but who it does it *for* and who it does it *to*:
One of science fiction's key methods comes from sf grandmaster #TheodoreSturgeon: "#AskTheNextQuestion." Ask a question, then ask "what happens next?" Do it again, and again, and again:
#theodoresturgeon #askthenextquestion
Why I'm always out of sync with other sci fi fans: Lots and lots of books.
#ArthurClarke, #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce, #HalClement, #IsaacAsimov, #JerryPournelle, #LarryNiven, #RobertHeinlein, #SciFi, #ScienceFiction, #SF, #Star Trek, #TheDaniels, #TheExpanse, #ThePeripheral, #TheodoreSturgeon, #WilliamGibson
#arthurclarke #everythingeverywhereallatonce #halclement #isaacasimov #jerrypournelle #larryniven #robertheinlein #scifi #sciencefiction #sf #star #thedaniels #theexpanse #theperipheral #theodoresturgeon #williamgibson
Theodore Sturgeon (1918-1985) was born on this day. Bibliography:
L, Richard Powers, 1960; R, Jack Gaughan, 1968
#sciencefiction #scifi #theodoresturgeon
#SciFi #ScienceFiction #books #bookstodon #TheodoreSturgeon
Today is Theodore Sturgeon's Birthday
Theodore Sturgeon (born Edward Hamilton Waldo, February 26, 1918 – May 8, 1985) was an award winning American science fiction author & wrote several screenplays for #startrek Sturgeon's More Than Human won the 1954 International Fantasy Award as the year's best novel
I have a copy of "More Than Human" for sale here:
#scifi #sciencefiction #books #bookstodon #theodoresturgeon #startrek
Writing book reviews while #PlutoTV has #AmokTime playing on the #StarTrekTOS channel in the background. It's distracting because I love this episode so much.
#LeonardNimoy was so damn good. He brings out the best in the other actors. #TheodoreSturgeon's script gives us a #Kirk who's unsuccessfully balancing his devotion to his friend and his duties, a #Spock who's falling apart at the seams, and a #McCoy who's flailing while watching his friends unwind and his patient decline.
#plutotv #amoktime #startrektos #leonardnimoy #theodoresturgeon #kirk #spock #mccoy
On the reading front I've finally got to reading volume 13 of the #CompleteStories of #TheodoreSturgeon and have to report, so far no joy in finding that story I was on about, months ago. So, I guess (starting a sentence with 'So' again), it must be a #HarlanEllison short story that I'm thinking of. Speaking of which, I'll be moving onto his Retrospective next, though I may break for some shorts from #CraigLeaGordon first, as I promised him some typo-spotting (;*
#CompleteStories #theodoresturgeon #harlanellison #craigleagordon
Currently reading #TheodoreSturgeon and just came across something that reminded me of #EEDocSmith ...
If only the English language (technically, perhaps, Anglo-Saxon) didn't continually evolve...
Where Sturgeon has 'helper', E.E. 'Doc' Smith would have written 'pimp', and meant exactly the same thing.
Unfortunately, I don't have the book from The Lensman series on tap, so I can't extract the exact section I'm comparing, think it might be Second-Stage Lensman but I could be wrong (:*
On the first paragraph, the only way to get a clean version of #Slant was to pull it off the web a section at a time, and then paste it together into a text document.
On the second, I now have all 13 Complete Stories volumes for #TheodoreSturgeon thanks to a decent torrent, as well as some of his other novels.
More ebooks to read (:*
Spent the afternoon converting a long text file, first into an ODT, with some formatting, and then into a workable, sensible ePub (v2.0) so that's #GregBear 's #Slant sorted out, all ready for reading, once I've read the others in the 'series' to that point.
Having done a quick and dirty search on #TheodoreSturgeon for that short story, no success so far. Guess I'll just have to work through all 13 volumes of his collected stories to prove one way or the other whether the story is one of his!;*
#gregbear #slant #theodoresturgeon
Ok, ended up explaining...
Apologies if any of that came across as insulting or ableist to anyone (:* Really hard to explain a plot of a short story that I can't remember, and haven't read in years.
#TheodoreSturgeon rings a bell, now I think about it.