"Although the figures portrayed in Nøkken (The Monster of the Lake), Skogtrollet (The Forest Troll) and Pesta (The Black Death) are over 100 years old, they still resonate as icons within the minds of many Norwegians. But who is the artist who created these legendary characters?"
#TheodorKittelsen #Nøkken
An illustration of the same motif in Swedish folktale, “Lasse, min dräng!” [Lasse, my lad!], by three different artists, the Swedes Carl Larsson, Hjalmar Renström, and Norwegian Theodor Kittelsen. Each shows the king referring others to the view of a castle out the window.
@folklore #Folktale #SwedishFolktales #Folklore #Illustration #CarlLarsson #HjalmarRenström #TheodorKittelsen
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#folktale #swedishfolktales #folklore #illustration #carllarsson #hjalmarrenstrom #theodorkittelsen