I hear it's #ThrowbackThursday , so it seem like a good time to think back 25 years(!) to when The Offspring released Americana and became my gateway to loving #music https://www.henryleach.com/2023/08/the-offspring-americana/
#TheOffspring #PunkRock
#throwbackthursday #music #theoffspring #PunkRock
Bonjour les p’tits mammouths, bien dormi ?
Bonne journée le Mastomonde
The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright - Live
#pouetradio #theoffspring #live
Illalla ohjelmassa mm. #Huora, #Klamydia ja #TheOffspring. 🤟
#theoffspring #klamydia #huora #turku #juna
#AlternateFridayMusic the word is Ice
Can’t resist another post as I find the lyrics in this hit from The Offspring to be humorous
My favourite lyric
“… Now he's getting a tattoo yeah, he's getting ink done
He asked for a 13, but they drew a 31”🤣
And here’s the Ice…
“He needs some cool tunes, not just any will suffice
But they didn't have ICE Cube so he bought Vanilla ICE”
Band: The Offspring
Song: Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
Album: Americana
Released: 1998
Video: https://youtu.be/QtTR-_Klcq8
“And all the girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy
He needs some cool tunes, not just any will suffice
But they didn't have ICE Cube so he bought Vanilla ICE
Now cruising in his Pinto, he sees homies as he pass
But if he looks twice, they're gonna kick his lily ass!”
#TheOffspring #PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy #90sMusic #Music #FridayMusic #FunFriday #GreatBands #GreatSongs #NowPlaying
#alternatefridaymusic #theoffspring #prettyflyforawhiteguy #90smusic #music #fridaymusic #funfriday #greatbands #greatsongs #nowplaying
Felicidad era jugar a #Crazy
Taxi y escuchar a #TheOffspring. Te quiero #Dreamcast.
#crazy #theoffspring #dreamcast
So, when I hopped in the car to pick up pizza, The Offspring's "The Kids Aren't Alright" popped on. Frankly, despite the opposite title of the hashtag, it kind of fits with tonight's #JukeBoxFridayNight
Here's the #MusicVideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iNbnineUCI
#jukeboxfridaynight #musicvideo #thekidsarealright #theoffspring #rockmusic #music
Album of the Day: Green Day “Dookie”
Listening through vinyl on my hi-fi. This was one of the two first cassettes I bought for myself back when I was ~9 at Blockbuster Music (the other was The Offspring “Smash).
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
#vinyl #albumoftheday #music #punk #vinyladdict #hifi #record #blockbuster #blockbustermusic #greenday #theoffspring #cassettes
#vinyl #albumoftheday #music #punk #vinyladdict #hifi #record #blockbuster #blockbustermusic #greenday #theoffspring #cassettes
2018: I found an old t-shirt (about 1995) of #BadReligion, the punk band I liked so much in my teens. Along with #GreenDay and more college rock bands like #TheOffspring or #Blink-182. Later I changed my mind and focused on everything #BritPop like #Oasis, #Blur, #Stereophonics.
#badreligion #greenday #theoffspring #Blink #britpop #oasis #blur #stereophonics
T'as une baisse de morale ?
Bah j'ai LA solution qui marche à tous les coups sur moi 😍 .
The Offspring - This Is Not Utopia
A video on #PeerTube I thought was a
#Cover of #TheOffspring - #TheFutureIsNow on #PeerTube.
I may have been wrong.
#peertube #cover #theoffspring #thefutureisnow
#cover #theoffspring #thefutureisnow
Heard on the Kelly Clarkson show today: I totally believe in magic. Because it’s, like, happened to me. -Kelly Clarkson
Also heard on the show today: a cover of Come Out and Play, originally by The Offspring. I went nuts for it at Warped when Dexter was on it. I cringed today. It’s like she was trying really hard to sound dull and punky or something. Might’ve been better if she changed the style more. But hey, everyone is a critic.
#magic #punk #theOffspring #kellyClarkson #KellyClarksonShow
#magic #punk #theoffspring #kellyclarkson #KellyClarksonShow
16 de enero de 1999: #TheOffspring son Nº 2 en listas de Estados Unidos con el álbum “Americana”. Incluía este Riff: https://riffstory.com/tag/pretty-fly-for-a-white-guy/
lieblingssongs #196: the offspring – the kids aren’t alright
#lieblingssongs #theoffspring
toyah & robert’s sunday lunch – the kids aren’t alright
#toyahandrobertssundaylunch #theoffspring #cover
#toyahandrobertssundaylunch #theoffspring #cover
I am Starfleet, Captain! Please, Starfleet Admirals come a dime a dozen. #AllStarTrek #StarTrekTheNextGeneration #TheOffspring
#allstartrek #startrekthenextgeneration #theoffspring
Why are contractions the most challenging part of language? Data seems to handle all other aspects of language without any problems. #AllStarTrek #StarTrekTheNextGeneration #TheOffspring
#allstartrek #startrekthenextgeneration #theoffspring
Successful parent? She abandoned her kid for a whole year. #AllStarTrek #StarTrekTheNextGeneration #TheOffspring
#allstartrek #startrekthenextgeneration #theoffspring