The Tyee: Who Needs Meta or Google for News? Use ‘Really Simple Syndication’ #bcnews #TheTyee - via #ReallySimpleSyndicationnewsfeed #FacebookCEOMarkZuckerberg #ReallySimpleSyndication #CanadaOnlineNewsAct #CanadianJournalism #MetablocksTheTyee #TheTyeehomepage #CanadaBillC-18 #FirefoxFeedbro #GoogleBillC-18 #GoogleReader #MetaBillC-18 #TheOldReader #AppleNews
#BCNews #TheTyee #reallysimplesyndicationnewsfeed #facebookceomarkzuckerberg #reallysimplesyndication #canadaonlinenewsact #canadianjournalism #metablocksthetyee #thetyeehomepage #canadabillc #firefoxfeedbro #googlebillc #googlereader #metabillc #theoldreader #applenews
I’ve been using #TheOldReader as the backend for #RSS reader apps (and on occasion its web interface as a reader) since 2019; I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve ever seen it have downtime!
@galroth @hen #Inoreader has their own client. I've been using #theoldreader for many, many years, but had a brief affair with Inoreader meanwhile; it was ok.
I'm building out a new RSS reader on Flym, and going through The Old Reader and all the blogs I used to follow regularly in the late 90's and early aughts. Shooting off the hip, I'd say that 5% are still posting regularly.
I miss the blog era and would love to see it come back.
#theoldreader #rssreader #blogs #rss
@qkslvrwolf I haven't used #TheOldReader although it looks really nice too.
I'm in favour of any #RSSReader that works for people. I still believe that #RSSFeeds are seriously undervalued.
#theoldreader #rssreader #rssfeeds
Back in November, with the whole birdsite ordeal, I wanted to get back to using a #feed reader.
I paid for #Feeder in 2021, but I didn't use very much, even with the AI features they tout.
I paid for #theoldreader this time. I had used it before so I opened a time capsule of feeds I added back when Google Reader went down.
It was grim to see so many websites that no longer existed. I removed the dead websites, added new ones, and I still did not use it regularly.
I think now I know why.
Just transfered my rss feeds into the old reader, and loged in using lire. What do people think of #theoldreader?
@loren Recalled that my "sharegals" on #TheOldReader often talk about tomato scented candles
An article they shared that has a section about tomato vine candles: (fancy candles)
One comment:
I love the Demeter tomato scent. It smells less like a tomato and more like a tomato plant, it brings me immediately to gardening with my grandpa as a child. I like it so much that I bought the oil and made my own candles with it.
@kenny Do you want a hosted #rssreader? #FreshRSS. Browser-based? #Feedbro. Web app? They have free plans, but limit the number of feeds you can subscribe to. #Newsblur, #Inoreader, #TheOldReader, etc. I prefer Newsblur, but I pay for it.
#rssreader #freshrss #feedbro #newsblur #inoreader #theoldreader
@andeersg Thanks for the tip! Very quick way to read news from all over the world!
I use it in laptop, but for mobilephone I use #FocusReader
#theoldreader #rss #focusreader
@moniqueoliveira I use palabre (on android) to read the rss feed that #theoldreader keeps track of. Works quite nice.
I'm an eternal google reader orphan and I haven't recovered yet. I've been using #theoldreader to track #sciencejournals, but I was never happy with it. Does anyone know something better? #rss
#rss #sciencejournals #theoldreader
@adrian @christitus oh do tell! I exported my feeds to #TheOldReader and #Feedly but ended up using the latter. Honestly there is a lot of rot in my feeds that needs cleaning out.
Any #GoogleReader refugees here? What are you using?
I used #TheOldReader and now I'm using #inoreader. I finally realized (thanks to @christitus) that I can subscribe to #youtube #rss feeds, instead of following channels directly on youtube...
#googlereader #theoldreader #inoreader #youtube #rss