The Old Way (Отзвуки прошлого), 2023
Фильм про "детей индиго". Вам понравится.
Случилось чудо. Кейдж в первый раз за последнее десятилетие сделал фильм с оценкой выше 5.0. И ведь может не полный трешак снимать. Местами даже смешно, когда не переигрывают.
Девочка 12 лет чпокает (из пистолета, не подумайте чего) окружающих, и ей это безразлично. Вот она, жизнь в пуританском обществе, где ничего не знали про клитор.
Да, "короля играет свита". И фильм скорее про девочку, а у самого Кейджа по-прежнему какая-то напряженка с артистизмом. Может стареет. Или у него так принято". Очень напоминает уроки актёрского мастерства в "Черной Гадюке". Но его в кадре необычно мало для фильмов "с Николосом Кейджем", и это спасает.
IMDb 5.4 выглядит несколько предвзято. Да ладно, я бы и 6.0 дал. Как вестерн вполне тянет. Даже задумка есть. Хоть и в паре мест фейспалмы.
Рекомендую любителям спокойных вестернов и боевичков. Всё так мило.
Детям можно. Вы же помните, девочка 12 лет побеждает всех. Детям такое нравится.
На один раз вполне пойдет.
#rf #rus #ru #lang_ru #western #TheOldWay #Отзвукипрошлого #НиколасКейдж #NicolasCage #обзор #2023
#rf #western #theoldway #Отзвукипрошлого #НиколасКейдж #nicolascage #обзор #rus #ru #lang_ru
Ranked list of the 30 Nicolas Cage movies I've seen.
#NicolasCage #TheOldWay #Renfield #ColorOutofSpace #RaisingArizona #PigMovie
#pigmovie #raisingarizona #ColorOutofSpace #renfield #theoldway #nicolascage
#TheOldWay ist ein schön gefilmter Western mit leichten „True Grit“ Anspielungen, der aber über weite Strecken dahinplätschert und selbst beim Finale eher „unterwältigend“ wirkt.
Für 99 Cent zur Leihe bei Prime Video ging er vollkommen in Ordnung, trotz allem aber eher die Kategorie „Belanglos“.
Noch keinen Plan was man am Wochenende gucken soll?
Wie wäre es mit dem neuen #NicolasCage Film?
Der Western #TheOldWay gibts passend für #Prime Mitglieder gerade für 99 Cent zum leihen.
Also ich riskiere für den schmalen Taler gerne mal nen Blick rein 😉
#nicolascage #theoldway #prime
The Nicolas Cage movie THE OLD WAY (2023) is currently on sale for $9.99 on Prime Video and Vudu.
#TheOldWay #NicolasCage #NewMovies #2023Movies
I've been waiting for this.
#2023movies #newmovies #nicolascage #theoldway
This week we take a deep dive into the sun as we tackle the sci-fi modern classic from Danny Boyle, #Sunshine. We also both took time to check out #StillAMichaelJFoxMovie on #AppleTV, and Andy also tuned in to watch #TheOldWay and #TheMother.
As ever, we have #news and neat things, as well as general film-geek chat.
#sunshine #stillamichaeljfoxmovie #appletv #theoldway #themother #news #film #films #cinema #movies #reviews #podcast #chat
...fellow contemporary #PagansofMastodon and those in the #outerRim of the #Fediverse.
Pagans have since the old ages (probably the 1960ies) of the foremothers the teaching of #theoldpath or #theoldway meaning the proper way of practice #paganism. What means we, the so called Pagans of the new Age have that catchphrase slightly longer than Disney, but not as long as our fellow chinese people. Just mentioning.
But, the topic which annoys me for some times is following:
Remaining at the...
#outerrim #fediverse #theoldpath #theoldway #paganism #PagansofMastodon
The Old Way is a classic "revenge" #Western starring #NicolasCage. The trailer makes it look like a pretty good Western.
The movie I expected and desired to go see-- a Western starring Nicolas Cage!!!-- is certainly in there, but the movie I saw was something else entirely.
You shouldn't go in there thinking you know what you're going to see-- but you should ABSOLUTELY go in there and see what it really is.
#western #NicolasCage #neurodivergent #neurospicy #theoldway
The new Nicolas Cage western, THE OLD WAY (2023) is in a few theaters right now. Hits VOD on January 13, 2023.
#niccageew #theoldway #nicolascage
I reviewed the new Nicolas Cage western The Old Way. The story's familiar, but Cage & co-star Ryan Kiera Armstrong's performances elevate it & keep it entertaining. I also appreciated the film's take on Cage's character's emotional detachment & relationship w/ his daughter.
You can read my spoiler-free review at Digital Trends & see the film in (limited) theaters now & via on-demand streaming next week.
#TheOldWay #MovieReview #FilmReview #NicolasCage #Film #Movies
#Movies #Film #NicolasCage #filmreview #moviereview #theoldway
Nicolas Cage is finally starring in his first Western movie. It is called The Old Way and trailer and details can be found here
#NicolasCage #TheOldWay #Western #trailer #film #movie #action #thriller #niccage
#nicolascage #theoldway #western #trailer #film #movie #action #thriller #niccage
Nicolas Cage is finally starring in his first Western movie. It is called The Old Way and trailer and details can be found here
#NicolasCage #TheOldWay #Western #trailer #film #movie #action #thriller #niccage
#nicolascage #theoldway #western #trailer #film #movie #action #thriller #niccage
Nicolas Cage in a generic looking #Western. Sign me up! #TheOldWay
#westerns #trailers #movies #theoldway #western