#Filmfest 866 #Cinema #DasOmen #TheOmen #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #Horror #USA1976
Das Omen (The Omen, USA 1976) #Filmfest 866
#filmfest #cinema #dasomen #theomen #film #movies #movingpicture #horror #usa1976
On June 25, 1976, The Omen debuted in the United States. Here鈥檚 some Harvey Spencer Stephens art to mark the occasion!
#TheOmen #HarveySpencerStephens #BritishFilm #BritishHorror #MonsterVision #RichardDonner#Horror #HorrorMovies #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theomen #harveyspencerstephens #britishfilm #britishhorror #monstervision #richarddonner #horrormovies #supernaturalhorror #horrorart #movieart #moviehistory
Un 25 de juny s'estrenava LA PROFECIA (1976) d'en Richard Donner.
Directed by (the fired) #MikeHodges and #DonTaylor, and featuring another marvellously malevolent #JerryGoldsmith score, 20th Century Fox released the excellent sequel Damien: Omen II in U.S. cinemas #OnThisDay, in 1978.
#DamienOmen2 #TheOmen #Damien #SixSixSix #HailSatan #Occult #Antichrist #Satan #SatanicCinema #HorrorMovies
#mikehodges #dontaylor #jerrygoldsmith #OnThisDay #damienomen2 #theomen #damien #sixsixsix #hailsatan #occult #antichrist #satan #sataniccinema #horrormovies
Today, June 6, at 6 in the morning, a young boy named Damien is born. He is quickly adopted by Ambassador Robert Thorn without the knowledge of his wife Katherine (The Omen, 1976)
#movies #film #cinemastodon #theomen #horror
Today, June 6, at 6 in the morning, a young boy named Damien is born. He is quickly adopted by Ambassador Robert Thorn without the knowledge of his wife Katherine (The Omen, 1976)
#movies #film #cinemastodon #theomen #horror
...#TwistedNerve (1969), Hitchcock's #Frenzy (1972) and the twins' mum in #TheKrays (1990). Unforgettable as the black-clad Mrs Baylock, loyal Nanny to the Antichrist in Richard Donner's #TheOmen (1976).
#BillieWhitelaw #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD
#twistednerve #frenzy #thekrays #theomen #billiewhitelaw #bornonthisday #botd #otd
On May 23, 1980, The Omen was re-released in Hong Kong. Here鈥檚 some Harvey Spencer Stephens art to mark the occasion!
#TheOmen #HarveySpencerStephens #BritishFilm #BritishHorror #MonsterVision #RichardDonner#Horror #HorrorMovies #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theomen #harveyspencerstephens #britishfilm #britishhorror #monstervision #richarddonner #horrormovies #supernaturalhorror #horrorart #movieart #moviehistory
Remembering #RichardDonner (1930-2021), the versatile film and television director, producer and writer, born in New York #OnThisDay. He enjoyed huge commercial hits with #TheOmen (1976), #Superman (1978) and the Lethal Weapon films (1987-1998), though did some of his best work for television- including six episodes of #TheTwilightZone (1963-64), #TheFugitive (1966), #TheSixthSense, #GhostStory (both 1972) and #TalesFromTheCrypt (1989-92).
#richarddonner #OnThisDay #theomen #superman #thetwilightzone #thefugitive #thesixthsense #ghoststory #talesfromthecrypt #bornonthisday #botd #otd
@weegilljac @bales1181 Went with the same! Had trouble deciding whether to go with the Omen or Problem Child (1990) for this; same difference, I suppose! 馃ぃ馃憤馃摷
#Bales2023FilmChallenge Late to the game, but here!
April 11: Character is an only child
Feel like The Omen (1976) seems appropriate for today's prompt! Here's some original Damien Thorn art!
#TheOmen #CineMastodon #FilmMastodon #HorrorFam #Art #HorrorArt
#bales2023filmchallenge #theomen #cinemastodon #FilmMastodon #HorrorFam #art #horrorart
I don't think I'm going to bother with the sequels. I might try the remake but I'm holding my breath. #TheOmen
#TheOmen (1976): It was...alright? I'm sure it was very scary in the mid-70s but it's pretty tame by today's standards. #Horror #HorrorFam #Cinemastodon
#theomen #horror #HorrorFam #cinemastodon
#TheOmen is a film about a dude who hates his kid so goes on a jolly around Italy with his photographer pal.
On April 1, 1977, The Omen debuted in Uruguay. Here鈥檚 some Harvey Spencer Stephens art to mark the occasion!
#TheOmen #HarveySpencerStephens #BritishFilm #BritishHorror #MonsterVision #RichardDonner#Horror #HorrorMovies #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theomen #harveyspencerstephens #britishfilm #britishhorror #monstervision #richarddonner #horrormovies #supernaturalhorror #horrorart #movieart #moviehistory
#ScarsOfDracula (1970) and #FrankensteinAndTheMonsterFromHell (1974), alongside #JasonAndTheArgonauts (1963), #SinbadAndTheEyeOfTheTiger (1977) and #TheBoxOfDelights (1984). A portentous scene stealer as the doomed, impaled priest in Richard Donner's #TheOmen (1976).
#PatrickTroughton #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #DoctorWho #DrWho #HammerHorror #BritishHorror #SciFi #CultTV
#scarsofdracula #frankensteinandthemonsterfromhell #jasonandtheargonauts #sinbadandtheeyeofthetiger #theboxofdelights #theomen #patricktroughton #bornonthisday #botd #otd #doctorwho #drwho #hammerhorror #britishhorror #scifi #culttv
#ImanolUribe dirige #LaLunaNegra en la antolog铆a de #Sabbath.
Mitos ancestrales centrados en Lilith (la primera mujer que Dios cre贸 y que se revel贸 contra la sumisi贸n); una cr铆a muy amiga de Damian (#TheOmen); y un ambiente malrollero en la sierra acaulada madrile帽a.
A pesar de haber demasiados claroscuros en su guion y a falta de un desarrollo m谩s profundo de su base mitol贸gica, su parte final merece mucho la pena (y a la luz del d铆a).
#theomen #sabbath #lalunanegra #imanoluribe
On January 31, 1997 The Omen and Village of the Giants were screened as a double-feature on TNT's MonsterVision. Here's some fan art inspired by both features!
#MonsterVision #TNTsMonsterVision #TheOmen #VillageOfTheGiants #HarveySpencerStephens #RonHoward #HorrorMovies #MutantFam #HorrorArt #FantasyFilm #SciFIComedy #SupernaturalHorror #Art #FanArt #DoubleFeature
#monstervision #tntsmonstervision #theomen #villageofthegiants #harveyspencerstephens #ronhoward #horrormovies #MutantFam #horrorart #fantasyfilm #scificomedy #supernaturalhorror #art #FanArt #doublefeature
Say hello to Damien. He likes to fly kites and steal your soul. #theomen #damien #apocalypse #Salvationarmy
#Salvationarmy #apocalypse #damien #theomen
Good morning Mastodon!
It's a great Saturday morning with #ROH #ROHFinalBattle on PPV this afternoon!
But before you get there, why not enjoy a match from the independent wrestling scene? This features #TheOmen #Gabriel Lestat, a long-time feature of #Alberta #wrestling, taking on #LuchaLibre sensation #Aeroboy.
Check it out now!
#prowrestling #youtube #freematch
#roh #rohfinalbattle #theomen #gabriel #alberta #wrestling #luchalibre #aeroboy #prowrestling #youtube #freematch