WART: How does one get hold of a sword? Where can I steal one? There must be some swordsmith or armourer in a great town like this, whose shop would be still open.
There was a quiet churchyard w/a heavy stone & anvil, struck through w/a fine new sword.
WART: Some sort of war memorial, but it'll have to do. I am sure nobody would grudge Kay this, if they knew his desperate straits.
He strode up the gravel path & took hold of the sword...
#theswordinthestone #theonceandfutureking
I’m quite pleased at finishing Le Morte D’Arthur before returning to The Once and Future King. So much of it really is expanded and in between Mallory’s text. She in the following quote is Nimue.
‘Than she and Merlyon wente over the see unto the londe of Benwyke there as Kyng Ban was kyng, that had grete warre ayenste Kyng Claudas.
#Arthuriana #LeMorteDArthur #MiddleEnglish #Lancelot #Merlin #THWhite #TheOnceAndFutureKing #MiddleEnglish #Literature
#arthuriana #lemortedarthur #middleenglish #lancelot #merlin #thwhite #theonceandfutureking #literature