What's this, a Moria expansion for The One Ring 2E? A sexy looking collector's edition and a cloth map of Khazad-dûm?
Don't mind if I do....
#TOR #TheOneRing #Moria #LordOfTheRings #TTRPG #Kickstarter #FreeLeague
#tor #theonering #moria #lordoftherings #ttrpg #kickstarter #FreeLeague
Nouvelle campagne de financement pour Free League. Avec une extension pour leur jeu de rôle le seigneur des anneaux, « la Moria » !
Dispo pour l’anneau unique et la version 5E
#jdr #jeuderole #theonering #moria
New on the Blog, clock app, and YT.
Morinehtar's Monologue
(The Return of the Blue Wizard)
An intro for my dark AU of Lord of the Rings, Last Hope.
#ttrpg #LoTR #theonering #dnd #dnd5e
For context
#ttrpg #lotr #theonering #DnD #dnd5e
Das coolste Prdukt oder Buch?
Ich bin ein großer Liebhaber der alter Art Bücher von #DnD5e und alter Arts im allgemeinen.
Das in rotes (Kunst?)Leder gebundene GRW zu #TheOneRing aus dem Kickstarter ist auch mega nice.
#dnd5e #theonering #rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #pnpde
Notre actual play en Terre du Milieu continue !
Nous pourrons découvrir le courage de Godrick le nain du groupe ! Les talents de pêche des Hobbits et aussi ... la découverte d'une odeur infame !
Mais ça vient d'où bordel !!!! 🤢
📹 Vidéo : https://youtu.be/ukIbKnj_1Ao
🎧 Podcast : https://podcast.antrejeuxstudio.fr/@ActualPlay_TerreDuMilieu/links
#theonering #jdr #actualplay #jeuderole
Tag 21: Favorite licensed RPG
Entweder #TheOneRing oder #EdgeOfEmpire für Star Wars. Letzteres habe ich zumindest mal gespielt, und fand, dass es atmosphärisch fantastisch war, und das Würfelsystem war auch super. Ich fand es gerade durch die Würfel sehr erzählerisch, ich musste beim leiten sehr viel improvisieren. The One Ring liest sich einfach wunderschön, das Regelwerk an sich ist eins der schönsten Systeme im Regal. Nur gespielt habe ich es immer noch nicht. #RPGaDAY2023 #pnpde
#theonering #edgeofempire #rpgaday2023 #pnpde
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 21: Favourite licensed game. I haven’t played a #Star Wars #ttrpg, though I’d love to, especially the OG d6 version. I’m much less of a Tolkien fan than I once was, so #TheOneRing doesn’t call to me the way #MERP once did. #Alien looks great, and I have a game lined up. All that said, for the sheer quality of the product, I’d have to go with Free League’s #Bladerunner, which does the really tricky thing and captures the melancholy as well as the excitement of the world.
#rpgaday2023 #star #ttrpg #theonering #Merp #alien #bladerunner
#RPGaDAY2023 (21) Favourite Licensed RPG.
I hate licensed RPGs. I hate how everytime some suit at the license owner gets their panties in a twist, an RPG studio has to fire all their staff and I have to learn a whole new fng edition of the game, and how old editions inadvertedly become impossible to purchase still.
If I have to pick one, it'd be #TheOneRing, but even though I love playing that game, the fact that it's licensed is a huge negative in my eyes.
In terms of ever, I don’t remember if it was Gamma World or AD&D first, but probably AD&D. In 2023, it was #TheOneRing.
#RPGaDay #RPGaDay2023
#theonering #rpgaday #rpgaday2023
So, a bit behind on my #RPGaDAY2023 list, so going to post 5 at a time.
1) First RPG played this year.
I usually DM, but it was probably D&D. But I did get to play #TheOneRing and #MAZES.
#rpgaday2023 #theonering #Mazes
New week in #TTPRG
• #Dragonbane will be released tomorrow by @freeleaguepub
• Ongoing #Nyarlathotep group will go further in Australia
• We will do our session zero for the fresh #MasksofNyarlathotep group if we can find a 3rd asap
• I will run my first #TheOneRing game on sunday
• Aaand I will continue writing my books during the week
What are your plans for this week?
#ttprg #DragonBane #Nyarlathotep #masksofnyarlathotep #theonering
new on the Blog: Last Hope: a darker AU of the Lord of the Rings stemming from just one change: what if Bilbo didn't leave Bag End and catch up to the dwarves the day after the Unexpected Party? #ttrpg #LoTR #fantasy #Hobbit #tolkien #LordOfTheRings #TheOneRing
Ni 'lassui En !
#ttrpg #lotr #fantasy #hobbit #tolkien #lordoftherings #theonering
Most recent games I bought: #theonering & #UVGandtheblackcity. Most recent purchase: #DNGN 1, #DarkLordsDoom a solo OSR adventure, #d100dungeonworldbuilder, #tomeofadventuredesign revised, updated 5e classic #MegaDungeons of #cityofbrass #Barrowmaze and #RappanAthuk
#theonering #uvgandtheblackcity #dngn #darklordsdoom #d100dungeonworldbuilder #tomeofadventuredesign #MegaDungeons #cityofbrass #Barrowmaze #rappanathuk #rpgaday2023
If the quality is anything like the other #theonering #rpg products from @freeleaguepub this is going to be a must get for me. #lotr #dungeon delving in the quintessential #megadungeon (big claim I know)
#theonering #rpg #lotr #dungeon #Megadungeon
“Doom, doom rolled the drum-beats, growing louder and louder, doom, doom.”
The Bridge of Khazad-dûm, The Fellowship of the Ring
Fria Ligan have just announced that MORIA™ – THE LONG DARK, an epic expansion for the award-winning second edition of The One Ring™ roleplaying game based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, is coming to Kickstarter on August 29! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1192053011/moriatm-the-long-dark-for-the-one-ringtm-rpg
Looking forward to seeing this!
@pookie Thank you for the review ! A note to your readers: does anyone know of a review comparing this game and its predecessor, Adventures in Middle-Earth ? #ttrpg #theOneRing #tolkien
@LeviKornelsen @Whidou #TTRPG stuff for me:
#D&D5e (if pushed)
Liking the look of:
#ttrpg #AdventuresInMiddleEarth #osr #NSR #TalesFromTheLoop #bladesinthedark #callofcthulhu #d #theonering #OrbitalBlues #SpiritOf77 #cycling #crystalpalacefc #hauntology #t
Aux limites de la Comté, heureusement pas de cavalier noir en maraude.
#TheShire #Tolkien #LordoftheRings #AnneauUnique #TheOneRing
#theshire #tolkien #lordoftherings #anneauunique #theonering
Wer von euch spielt am Wochenende "Der Eine Ring"? :heart_eyes:
#pnpde @truantspiele #dereinering #theonering
#pnpde #dereinering #theonering