土直生日月 · @haveakiller
19 followers · 343 posts · Server mstdn.jp
土直生日月 · @haveakiller
19 followers · 343 posts · Server mstdn.jp
土直生日月 · @haveakiller
19 followers · 343 posts · Server mstdn.jp
bfred · @bfred
75 followers · 315 posts · Server mas.structuraltrauma.org

@marcelias Thank you. Please encourage Arekia Bennet-Scott to bring her work and message to Mastodon. She would be most welcomed here. Combating fascism is no easy task. Not trivial. Thank you kindly and passionately for all of your and your organization's work to address and reject the ever increasing moment of fascism we are experiencing. Someday, I hope that nobody has to endure the structural violence committed by the psychopathic and sociopathic Musk and all of those you fight in court to defend Democracy. Someday isn't here yet. Soon come. Bless you. Thank you for fighting the good fight.

#endfascism #Justice #theopensocietyanditsenemies

Last updated 2 years ago

Floaty Birb · @floatybirb
69 followers · 656 posts · Server mastodon.social

reading by the crotchety nomadic philosopher kpop.

The part at the beginning is a partial intellectual history of classical Greece (at least of Heraclitus and Plato), which is super interesting to me and goes a little bit into explaining how they reached the somewhat strange conclusions they did ("everything is made of fire" and "there exists a perfect sandwich beyond space and time that defines all sandwiches").


Last updated 2 years ago