Via Super 70s Sports 🤖 @Super70sSports
“We knew it was you sharting in the wagon the whole time, Carol Ann.”
50 Years of Text Games parses the rich history of a foundational genre - Enlarge / Some of the maps and decision trees mapped out in the book 50... - #textadventures #theoregontrail #legendofzork #oregontrail #textgames #features #culture #gaming #zork
#zork #gaming #culture #features #textgames #oregontrail #legendofzork #theoregontrail #textadventures
Ars Technica: 50 Years of Text Games parses the rich history of a foundational genre #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #TextAdventures #TheOregonTrail #LegendofZork #OregonTrail #textgames #Features #Culture #Gaming #zork
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #textadventures #theoregontrail #legendofzork #oregontrail #textgames #features #Culture #Gaming #zork
Does anyone know of a malware-free, functional version of #TheOregonTrail game online?
My family played on last year or so. The emulator on that site not working for us today.
Today has been a mess of dealing with insecurities, sending out unpleasant business emails, and watching my industry (tech) rocked by a bank collapse….
So I’m gonna go play more of The Oregon Trail on my iPad for the rest of the day and have a great time.
#applearcade #theoregontrail #videogames
The latest hot sales on #Switch: #RiverCityGirls, #DawnoftheMonsters, #DonutDodo, #GibbousACthulhuAdventure, #TheWorldNextDoor, #TheOregonTrail, #Spidersaurs, #Enigmatis2TheMistsofRavenwood, #RegencySolitaire, #VitaminConnection...
#switch #rivercitygirls #dawnofthemonsters #donutdodo #gibbousacthulhuadventure #theworldnextdoor #theoregontrail #spidersaurs #enigmatis2themistsofravenwood #regencysolitaire #vitaminconnection
a rescheduled meeting means I can keep driving my party westward, flies and all
I wish I could veg and engage in unproductiveness today but at some point I have to realize that there's a group of people swarming with flies and fighting cholera who are depending on me.
#theoregontrail #ceoleadership
Hannah hat den 3500 km langen Oregon Trail fĂĽr euch gemeistert und berichtet von ihrer Reise...
#theoregontrail #spiel #gamefeature #gameloft #abenteuer #podcastdeutsch #podcast #spieletest
#theoregontrail #spiel #gamefeature #gameloft #abenteuer #podcastdeutsch #podcast #spieletest
Gaming Review: The Oregon Trail fĂĽr Nintendo Switch #NintendoSwitchDE #nintendoswitch #TheOregonTrail #Testberichte #Edutainment #gameloft #nintendo #Settlers #Gaming #gaming #usa
#nintendoswitchde #nintendoswitch #theoregontrail #Testberichte #edutainment #gameloft #nintendo #settlers #gaming #usa
Nachdem ich den x-ten Post ĂĽber das DOS-Spiel The Oregon Trail (1990) gesehen hatte, hab ich es doch mal ĂĽber #DOSBox ausprobiert. Hab's gleich beim ersten Mal geschafft :blobcatsunglasses: :blobcatcontroller: #gaming #DOS #OregonTrail #TheOregonTrail
#theoregontrail #oregontrail #dos #gaming #dosbox
Today’s #TheOregonTrail would be a lot more #boring #game.
“You just lost a #lawsuit. Game over.”
#theoregontrail #boring #game #lawsuit
#TheOregonTrail - #PC - #Review unter
Das Spiel ist eine ganz nette Reise durch verschiedene Umgebungen und zufälligen Ereignissen. Leider aber auch nicht mehr und gerade der Preis von 30 Euro ist dafür vollkommen übertrieben. Mehr erfahrt ihr im Test.
#abenteuer #reise #zufälligeereignisse #entscheidungen #survival #tests #test #reviews #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames
@oregontrail @gameloft @Gameloft_DE
#theoregontrail #pc #review #Abenteuer #reise #zufalligeereignisse #entscheidungen #survival #tests #test #reviews #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames
#TheOregonTrail is in #TheSwitch now! I LOVED THAT GAME WHEN I WAS A KID! ❤️
The Oregon Trail is one of Gameloft's most successful mobile games. #TheOregonTrail
📬 Lesetipps: Claudflare vs. Kiwi Farms und ein YouTube-Frontend
#Lesetipps #Cloudflare #JoshuaMoon #KevinBeaumont #KiwiFarms #MatthewPrince #TheOregonTrail
#theoregontrail #matthewprince #kiwifarms #KevinBeaumont #JoshuaMoon #cloudflare #lesetipps
DC Live! Oregon Trail (2021), part 3 livestream today at 3 ET
Ashes to ashes, dysentery to dysentery
#Livestream #Videogames #AppleArcade #Drew #livestream #TheOregonTrail
#livestream #videogames #applearcade #drew #theoregontrail