#Theorem : Assume an N-lane #motorway is jammed at peak times. Let an (N+1)-lane motorway be built in replacement, then there exists t < 1 year such that in time t from its opening, the (N+1)-lane motorway will be jammed at peak times.
Additional #lemma: the N-lane motorway will be finally kept in activity and also be jammed at peak times.
#Corollary : the only way out is to change modes of transport.
#theorem #motorway #lemma #corollary
#OnThisDay British #Mathematician Andrew Wiles proved last #Theorem of #Fermat (1993).
Birth Anniversary of #French #Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905) - one of the leading figures in 20th-century French philosophy and Marxism.
Today is World #MusicDay, International Day of #Yoga and World #Hydrography Day.
#hydrography #yoga #musicday #philosopher #french #fermat #theorem #mathematician #onthisday
Ça vous dirait qu'une fois par semaine je vous présente un théorème ? Si oui dites-le en partageant celui-ci 👇. Je m'y engage dans le cas de +100 partages cette semaine (en guise de sondage).
Théorème de la dénombrabilité des rationnels : "Il existe une correspondance bijective - one-to-one - entre l'ensemble des entiers positifs et l'ensemble des nombres rationnels positifs."
#math #mathématiques #mathematic #maths #theorem
#math #mathematiques #mathematic #maths #theorem
What would you say is the simplest / most #pedagogical #proof of Wigner's #theorem accessible to #physics students? #unitary #antiunitary
#antiunitary #unitary #physics #theorem #proof #pedagogical
In 1668, Isaac Barrow, Isaac Newton’s teacher, proved the fundamental theorem of calculus. #Poetry #History #Science #Mathematics #Calculus #Theorem (https://sharpgiving.com/thebookofscience/items/p1668c.html)
#poetry #history #science #mathematics #calculus #theorem
@anton_hilado Favourite theorem?
Too many to choose from. Top of my head at the moment, because I'm giving outreach talks on them, are:
An odd prime is the sum of two squares if and only if it's congruent to 1 mod 4.
For an odd prime, -1 has a square root iff it's congruent to 1 mod 4.
(n-1)! = -1 (mod n) iff n is prime.
So many lovely theorems.
#theorem #mathematics #maths #math
From bird site (is it a Kantian sin to post picture-only quite-tweets, knowing that it an creates extra load on instances supported by patreons?)
Key part of the original ur-tweet:
In #math books, the
format should be replaced with
Proof idea:
The proof idea is a short summary of the key idea behind the proof.
And then, it turns out some #textbooks are already written like that :)
#math #theorem #proof #textbooks
I always hated $\log$ for being clunky. Why don't we use the #tetration (and probably other things) #notation for $\log$ instead?
So \[ ^{2} 32=5 \] and the #prime #number #theorem says the odds of \[ n \in \mathbb P \sim {^{e} n^{-1}} \] .
Way less clunky, nice and #symmetrical to exponentiation.
#symmetrical #theorem #number #prime #notation #tetration #latex #log #idea #math
Theorem (1968)
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Finally saw this. In a pornographic film there is often this flimsy plot device to connect the scenes were different characters feel compelled to have sex with the main protagonist. Here Pasolini removes the explicit sex scenes. It isn't even clear that the main protagonist is the protagonist and the result is this strange enigma that has something to do with miracles and class struggle.
#film #CineMastodon #PierPaoloPasolini #Teorama #Theorem #TerenceStamp
#film #cinemastodon #pierpaolopasolini #teorama #theorem #terencestamp
A few #games I added to my rig from #ItchIO: #Theorem: a #puzzleGame where you navigate a cube to the finish tile. But not only one side of the cube must land on it to complete the puzzle, but that side can ONLY land on the finishing tile. https://geckoo1337.itch.io/theorem
#games #itchio #theorem #puzzlegame
@ColinTheMathmo a nice comparison of #theorem provers would be great, I’m seeing some papers online but none I can confidently put my stamp of approval on without reading them first. Of course, my opinion on the matter is not very objective, ha!
During the course "#Qualitative #theory of #dynamical systems" taught @UNamur, I asked students to report me their favourite application of the Implicit Function Theorem (IFT). In this unit, this #theorem plays a pivotal role for #bifurcations and preservation of #equilibria.
A student reported me that we can prove the existence of a return time for #Poincaré map of vector fields having a periodic orbit using the IFT. Here how 🧵:
#poincare #equilibria #Bifurcations #theorem #dynamical #theory #qualitative
A subtlety people sometimes forget about #Gödel's Incompleteness #Theorem: It not only says any sufficiently interesting #axiomatic theory has statements it can't prove (boring) -- it says that there are statements that are TRUE according to its own axioms, yet it cannot prove (WTF)
A subtlety people sometimes forget about #Gödel's Incompleteness #Theorem: It not only says any sufficiently interesting #axiomatic theory has statements it can't prove (boring) -- it says that there are statements that are TRUE according to its own axioms, yet it cannot prove (WTF)
autumn leaves
old memories
she walked
out of her door
into his arms
her intoxicating
answered his needs
his fierce
gentle passion
worked its charms
neither cared
whom they left
behind now
#theorem of addiction:
needs / seeks / finds
We see the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and the sieve of Eratosthenes in the #decompwlj of natural numbers
#math #sequences #graph #natural #number #theory #fundamental #theorem #arithmetic #sieve #3D
#3d #sieve #arithmetic #theorem #fundamental #theory #number #natural #graph #sequences #math #decompwlj
The obscure #maths #theorem that governs the #reliability of #Covid-19 #testing | #Coronavirus | The Guardian
There is nothing obscure about #BayesTheorem.
#maths #theorem #reliability #covid #testing #coronavirus #BayesTheorem #mathematics