Nikolai Ge, 'Portrait of Mikhail Bakunin' (1871)
#art #anarchism #anarchist #revolutionary #revolution #theorist #theory #Russian #RussianEmpire #Bakunin
#art #anarchism #anarchist #Revolutionary #Revolution #theorist #Theory #russian #russianempire #bakunin #painter
Sei bambini britannici di età inferiore ai cinque anni sono stati trovati a vivere in una cantina abbandonata in Austria, in un nascondiglio illegale con un austriaco di 54 anni che si dice sia ossessionato dalle teorie del complotto e sua moglie, 40 anni.
I giovani sono stati scoperti nel covo ...
#28Gennaio #conspiracy #british #theorist
#theorist #british #conspiracy #28gennaio
#econodon #econtwitter As a #theorist I always thought that knowing the "story of a proof" is far more valuable than reading the final version of the proof. For teaching, it would be amazing to keep a note on the process that led to the proof in each econ paper to show how it was done, it would help students (and the whole community) a lot #randomthought #econtheory #teaching
#econodon #econtwitter #theorist #randomthought #econtheory #teaching
The whole journalist purge last night has really been bugging me. Several things, actually. He has long known about the account and even said he wouldn't do anything about it. Second, he knows it's based on publicly available info, so he's banning people for showing info anyone can access. Third, apparently severaln Ukrainian accounts were also banned? But I can't name one or give a reason.
I'm a #conspiracy #theorist in the making...
5/ One cool aspect: When repeating this procedure - the first 6 features stay the same, so the relevant features are pretty reliable. The diagrams describe the EFPs it found (ask your local #theorist for the details).
In 2016 I had the good fortune of co-editing with ire'ne lara silva an anthology of #poets writing on the life and work of the visionary poet and #theorist #GloriaAnzaldúa. So much had been written about Anzaldúa as an inspirational theorist in various fields of study, while her role as poet had languished in reflection. We were delighted by publish the work of 54 poets from around the world whose #poems, #essays, and #hybrid writings engaged and dialogued with her legacy. #GloriaAnzaldua
#poets #theorist #GloriaAnzaldúa #poems #essays #hybrid #GloriaAnzaldua
I'm a #microeconomic #theorist and an assistant professor at the US Naval Academy. My research is mostly about #matchingmarkets with #incompleteinformation; these days I'm also working on some Navy-specific matching problems. More broadly, I'm thinking about problem of mechanism comparison, i.e. what happens there is are two mechanisms, each of which is the outside option for another.
I'll be at #SEA from 11/18 - 11/21 if you want to have coffee or a meal!
#introduction #microeconomic #theorist #matchingmarkets #incompleteinformation #sea
Remember one of Jones' main roles now (knowing or not) is to normalize various forms of prosecution as an anti-establishment #conspiracy #theorist. #alexjones #roleplay #kayfabe
#hilarious #theater #conspiracy #theorist #alexjones #roleplay #kayfabe