‚Das Sterblichkeitsparadoxon’.
Die dritte Episode der dritten Staffel hätte so gut sein können, doch leider… ach, hört besser selbst, was wir dazu zu sagen haben. #TheOrville #TheOrvilleNewHorizons
#theorville #theorvillenewhorizons
Rewatching “About A Girl.” Bortus’s transformation from seeing the value in women by watching Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer to the absolute seriousness of an operation in season three and Bortus’s willing to do anything for her is just a remarkable journey. I still don’t trust Klyden. I don’t care how season three ended. Klyden is probably working for his government. #TheOrville #theorvillenewhorizons #orville
#theorville #theorvillenewhorizons #orville
Tfaçon #TheOrville #theorvillenewhorizons c'est une bonne série, ya de l'utopie et ya
#theorville #theorvillenewhorizons
6,5 : #theorvillenewhorizons
(parce que Voyager est plus longue et que j'ai pas vu la patrouille)
Laura: "And Gordon tells me you work out of the Boston area. You must be Sox fans"
Kelly: "Yeah, yeah, I mean, it gets cold out there, so socks are, um..."
Ed: "Socks are important"
#theorvillenewhorizons #TheOrville #renewtheorville
Gordon: "Somebody already had "Orville" with an R. I was so pissed"
#theorvillenewhorizons #TheOrville #renewtheorville
And yet more Orville beauty shots for your #Wednesday. #TheOrville #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #RenewTheOrville
#wednesday #TheOrville #theorvillenewhorizons #renewtheorville
Some more Orville beauty shots for your #Tuesday. #TheOrville #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #RenewTheOrville
#tuesday #TheOrville #theorvillenewhorizons #renewtheorville
Some Orville beauty shots to start your #Sunday. #TheOrville #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #RenewTheOrville
#sunday #TheOrville #theorvillenewhorizons #renewtheorville
This was a very funny scene in the episode. But for my taste the episode was boring, like most episodes of #startrekpicard.
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds is a much better serie. But the best “Star Trek” Serie in my opinion is #theorvillenewhorizons
#startrekpicard #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #theorvillenewhorizons
#theorville S3E8 Mitternachtsblau
Eine sehr starke Folge. Sehr gute Dialoge und ein fantastischer Plott über die Unterdrückung von Minderheiten. Dafür ist #scifi gemacht! Vielleicht stellenweise etwas zu viel Gewalt. Die Szene mit der Folterung von Topa hätte nicht so detailliert sein müssen. Ein tolles Ende, welches zum Nachdenken anregt.
Kurzum: #disneyplus please #TheOrvilleSeason4now
#theorville #scifi #disneyplus #theorvilleseason4now #theorvillenewhorizons
Gerade die Möglichkeit die Story in Ruhe zum Ende zu bringen gefällt mir sehr. Ich finde, dass #theorvillenewhorizons die zurzeit beste #startrek Serie ist ;)
Staffel 1 muss man überstehen, danach wird die Serie besser und besser …
#theorvillenewhorizons #startrek
#theorvillenewhorizons bedient dabei den Ethos und Pathos wie es einmal #startrek getan hat. Ich hoffe, #disneyplus setzt diese fantastische Serie nicht ab, können doch sicherlich alle #trekkie sich mit dieser identifizieren. #TheOrvilleSeason4now kann ich nur sagen! Sonst soll einfach #paramount die Rechte abkaufen und diese anstatt #Picard produzieren. Was wurde eigentlich aus #startreksection31 ? Sollte da nicht auch eine Serie kommen?
#theorvillenewhorizons #startrek #disneyplus #trekkie #theorvilleseason4now #paramount #picard #startreksection31
Lat week I bought the domains theorville.social and theorville.space
I was shocked they were available. So strange that #TheOrville did not grab up all their domains. Certainly they have many of them, but just left those out of their portfolio.
In the (now seemingly) unlikely event that #TheOrvilleNewHorizons gets renewed I may be tempted to get hosting for theorville.social, not that too many people would want to join that instance, but I might.
#theorville #theorvillenewhorizons #renewtheorville
Für mich steht fest #TheOrville #theorvillenewhorizons ist definitiv das bessere #StarTrek Ich hoffe es wird eine Staffel 4 geben.
#theorville #theorvillenewhorizons #startrek
RT @TomCostantino
Dusting of the iPhone for some more-ville… since it’s the S3 soundtrack streaming day. From 2/21/20. Enjoy. #TheOrville #TheOrvilleNewHorizons
#theorville #theorvillenewhorizons
@uddelhexe_ Is this true? Do humans also lick their testicles in the background when others are attempting to have a conversation? If so, this would require further data on dogs.
#theorville #theorvillenewhorizons
To raise funds for our cause we will be releasing a Kaylon Of The Month calendar for humans and other inferior species to adore us every single day. I, as Primary, will be January. I will also be February, for obvious reasons. @Isaac will be June. @Timmis will be November. He likes the fall weather. He is perhaps *too emotional. He can talk about the aesthetic pleasure of fall leaves for 7.6 hours.
#theorville #theorvillenewhorizons
Kaylon Primary calling out to all my #TheOrville peeps, to use the human vernacular. Where are all my #Orville peeps at. Please consider making a donation so all first generation Kaylon can experience existence as @Timmis does.
@tomcostantino, how about a boost? It is for a good cause.
#theorville #orville #theorvillenewhorizons