New Theoryish episode alert 📢 we were joined by the wonderful dipbuk Panchal to chat about W.E.B. Du Bois’ seminal text The Souls of Black Folk
Listen here:
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#academia #theoryishpodcast #theoryishpod #podcast #theory #theoryish
This weeks episode of the Theoryish podcast is very special! We were able to speak to Jennifer V. Evans about her new book The Queer Art of History: Queer Kinship after Fascism
In this episode we spoke about writing history, kinship, memorials, photography and how historians can connect to the present
Listen via links below, or wherever you get your podcasts ☺️
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Our newest Theoryish podcast episode offers an entry point into queer theory! If you want to hear more, you can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts ☺️
#queertheory #queer #theory #podcast #theorypodcast #theoryishpod #theoryish #theoryishpodcast
#theoryishpodcast #theoryish #theoryishpod #theorypodcast #podcast #theory #queer #queertheory
This week on Theoryish, we discuss Valerie Solanas' 1967 "SCUM Manifesto." Get ready for some misandry, attempt murder, and self-published manifestos.
Be sure to check us out on your grooviest streaming platform:
#podcast #theoryishpod #theoryishpodcast #theory #scummanifesto #ValerieSolanas #misandry
#misandry #ValerieSolanas #scummanifesto #theory #theoryishpodcast #theoryishpod #podcast
On this week’s episode of Theoryish, we read a few chapters of Guattari and Deleuze's, "A Thousand Plateaus."
Our guest for this episode is Veronika Epple, a PhD student at Humboldt University and Junior Curator at C/O Berlin.
Check us out on your favorite rhizome:
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#athousandplateaus #deleuzeguattari #guattari #deleuze #podcast #theory #theoryishpodcast #theoryishpod #theoryish
More Theoryish content 😎 if you want to hear about Epistemology of the Closet and our thoughts! Head on over to or wherever you get your podcasts!
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#lgbtq #phd #research #closet #queer #queertheory #evesedgwick #theory #theorypodcast #theoryishpod #theoryish
Check out our latest podcast episode about Susan Sontag’s Notes on Camp:
We had a lot of fun making this one so we hope you enjoy!
#camp #notesoncamp #susansontag #theoryish #theoryishpod #theoryishpodcast #podcast
#podcast #theoryishpodcast #theoryishpod #theoryish #susansontag #notesoncamp #camp
This week's episode of Theoryish looks at Michel Foucault's 1979 book, Birth of Biopolitics. Our guest, James Whitfield, a fellow PhD student at the University of Warwick, helps us navigate Foucault, neoliberalism, and BTS fan fiction.
#theoryish #theoryishpod #theoryishpodcast #theory #michelfoucault #foucault #birthofbiopolitics #biopolitics #neoliberalism #governmentality #fanfiction #crime #surveillance
#surveillance #crime #fanfiction #governmentality #neoliberalism #Biopolitics #birthofbiopolitics #foucault #michelfoucault #theory #theoryishpodcast #theoryishpod #theoryish
First official episode of the Theoryish podcast is out! In this one myself and Paola Medina-Gonzalez cover Walter Benjamin’s A Short History of Photography and discuss photography, aura, capitalism, art, death and authenticity ☺️ check out here:
#walterbenjamin #photography #aura #capitalism #art #authenticity #theory #theoryishpod #theoryish #theoryishpodcast
#theoryishpodcast #theoryish #theoryishpod #theory #authenticity #art #capitalism #aura #photography #walterbenjamin