What I write here so, you know. Because I changed the instance, my loose series of texts from my blog, which are read a lot, is unfortunately broken off. Therefore a new attempt: Due to criticism from @max_hauser on an episode of a podcast on #DasKapital, I wrote a post on #labor #theoryOfValue in #Marx. Although an "occasional" post, it is #1 on my blog and the post has also been translated into English https://stuetzle.cc/2020/10/20/how-unscientific-is-the-labor-theory-of-value/
#daskapital #labor #theoryofvalue #Marx
Cryptocurrency as Money — Store of Value or Medium of Exchange?
#KristofferMoustenHansen #AustrianEconomics #Hans-HermannHoppe #subjectivevalue #AustrianSchool #LudwigvonMises #PreciousMetals #UnitofExchange #KarrasLambert #theoryofmoney #theoryofvalue #storeofvalue #CarlMenger #economics #austrian #debate #Op-Ed #Mises #money
#KristofferMoustenHansen #AustrianEconomics #hans #subjectivevalue #AustrianSchool #LudwigvonMises #PreciousMetals #UnitofExchange #KarrasLambert #theoryofmoney #theoryofvalue #storeofvalue #CarlMenger #economics #austrian #debate #Op #mises #money