We are very pleased to be listed on the #SocialMedia poster for #TheOtherFellow. Massive thanks to #StrikeMedia for the shout out.
You can check out the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ on the #BlazingMinds website at https://blazingminds.co.uk/review-the-other-fellow-2022-james-bond/
#socialmedia #theotherfellow #strikemedia #BlazingMinds
#TheOtherFellow UK Trailer - (2023) #JamesBond Documentary https://youtu.be/LIXkL0v5h0I
El otro Bond llega a Filmin https://bit.ly/3Z6Cx1u Estreno del documental en España
#Theotherfellow #ElotroBond #tv #Archivo007 #ClubArchivo007
#jamesbond #theotherfellow #elotrobond #tv #archivo007 #clubarchivo007
Movie Review: "The Other Fellow"
#TheOtherFellow entertainingly documents the world of the other 'James Bonds' out there.
#MovieReview #movies #GravitasVentures #ReservoirDocs #JamesBond #documentary
#theotherfellow #moviereview #movies #gravitasventures #reservoirdocs #jamesbond #documentary
My review of Matthew Bauer's fascinating documentary The Other Fellow, about the impact of sharing a name with the world's most famous superspy, is up on @PhilEdwards 's Live For Films: https://www.liveforfilm.com/2023/02/09/review-the-other-fellow-a-fascinating-human-interest-story/
#JamesBond #007 #film #reviews #TheOtherFellow #LiveForFilms #documentary #cinema
#cinema #documentary #liveforfilms #theotherfellow #reviews #film #jamesbond
This evening's viewing: Matthew Bauer's The Other Fellow, a documentary about real people living with famous name, James Bond, from the ornithologist Fleming purloined name from, to a man on the run from the police. Pretty interesting, review will follow on @PhilEdwards 's Live For Film in due course.
#theotherfellow #jamesbond #documentary #film
For all agents based in Australia, the fascinating and seasonally timely THE OTHER FELLOW is now streaming from now on SBS ON DEMAND and brings its unique documentary take on what it would be like if you were actually called James Bond.
#TheOtherFellow #BondsJamesBonds #documentary #SBSOnDemand
#theotherfellow #bondsjamesbonds #documentary #sbsondemand
Tune into SBS Viceland this Saturday, 10 December, 2022 at 9:25 PM (AEDT) for the World Streaming Premiere of #TheOtherFellow by Australian director Matthew Bauer.
Following the broadcast ‘The Other Fellow’ will be available to stream on SBS On Demand.
📺 Watch Here: https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/the-other-fellow/2117316163739
#JamesBond | #JamesBond007 #BondsJamesBonds | #60YearsofBond | #TheOtherFellow | #BondontheBox | #JBAus
#jbaus #bondonthebox #60yearsofbond #bondsjamesbonds #jamesbond007 #jamesbond #theotherfellow
The World Streaming Premiere of ‘The Other Fellow’ by Australian director Matthew Bauer will take place on Saturday, 10 December, 2022 on SBS Viceland at 9:25 PM (AEDT) and will be available to stream on SBS On Demand.
🍸 Learn More: https://wp.me/pbs8To-1qr
#JamesBond | #BondsJamesBonds | #TheOtherFellow | #BondontheBox | #JBAus
#jbaus #bondonthebox #theotherfellow #bondsjamesbonds #jamesbond