“The Oz made a spectacular error in July, publishing a highly salacious and unsubstantiated gossip item complete with photographs and graphics about the British royal family. The item was so defamatory the Guardian cannot repeat it.
“The article discussed in graphic detail the alleged sex life of a royal, based on a single ‘blind’ item of gossip from a notorious Instagram account that did not name the subject.
“The Oz published a jokey TikTok video of the Queen ‘reacting’ to the sexual gossip and the story was live for about three hours.”
LMAO RIP #TheOz #media #AustralianMedia #TheAustralian
#theoz #media #australianmedia #theaustralian
SyFy’s _Tin Man_ is terribly overacted, but it is still a guilty pleasure of mine. #TinMan #SyFy #ZooeyDeschanel #TheOZ
#tinman #syfy #zooeydeschanel #theoz