The Tyee: ‘Self-Healing’ Journeys Through Punk (in Culture) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #ScreamTherapy:APunkJourneythroughMentalHealth #eyemovementdesensitizationandreprocessing #MoodDisordersAssociationofBC #StephenDansiger,therapist #LondonCalling,TheClash #BiancaCruz,Amygdala #Gainesville,Florida #Television,punkband #Self-ManagementBC #SanAntonio,Texas #Suicide,punkrock #theHeartbreakers #ThePalladium,NYC #JohnnyThunders
#BCNews #TheTyee #screamtherapy #eyemovementdesensitizationandreprocessing #mooddisordersassociationofbc #stephendansiger #londoncalling #biancacruz #gainesville #television #self #SanAntonio #suicide #TheHeartbreakers #thepalladium #johnnythunders
This review by #JohnRockwell in the #NewYorkTimes of #IggyPop's Oct 1977 show at #ThePalladium in NYC popped up in a search, and it's a rave for the show and a throwback to when performance was urgent and, for many, their only option.
The set was during the #LustForLife tour; I didn't see him live until Halloween in 1979 (I don't *think* I did, though the horsetail he wore on this tour sounds familiar, as I didn't really stay out late and skip school until '78).
#johnrockwell #newyorktimes #iggypop #thepalladium #lustforlife
Last night I was coincidentally watching some of their performances on this anniversary of the passing of #LuxInterior. Truly they were people for whom rock and roll was their only hope, their big show opening for #IggyPop at #ThePalladium in NYC on Halloween was especially unhinged and memorable.
This is a pretty neat "lost" interview with #PoisonIvyRorschach who isn't recognized nearly enough for her influence on culture, music and leading #TheCramps.
#luxinterior #iggypop #thepalladium #poisonivyrorschach #thecramps