You know what’s super dumb and puts a bad taste in your mouth? Watching #TheParentTest and they said the “Strict” family couldn’t make the finals so they just put the “Free Range” family in cause they were second place. The whole thing should be a wash. Garbage.
TV TONIGHT (February 16)
#StarTrekPicard #AnimalControl #TheUpshaws #StillMissingMorgan #PokerFace #ChristinaInTheCountry #NikkiBellaSaysIDo #TheParentTest #YoungSheldon #NextLevelChef #SwampPeople #MDLLA #Walker #ImpracticalJokers #TakingTheStand #NBA
#nba #takingthestand #ImpracticalJokers #walker #mdlla #swamppeople #nextlevelchef #youngsheldon #theparenttest #nikkibellasaysido #christinainthecountry #pokerface #stillmissingmorgan #theupshaws #animalcontrol #startrekpicard
✨ #TheParentTest, a new reality series on @ABCNetwork, is now down to three parenting styles! See how they put the remaining styles to the test on a trip to the @disneyland Resort: 🏰
Watching #TheParentTest episode 6 and the challenge is to see if kids get in the car with a “stranger”. However, they use a close friend, some of which they’ve known for 10+ years. This experiment is flawed.
Ok, I am ready to talk about #TheParentTest
Parenting expert Dr. Adolph Brown usually gives advice to much smaller audiences, so he's excited about "The Parent Test" giving him the ability to give "contentious" lessons to a network TV audience.
#TheParentTest #TV #TVNews #television #Parenting #TelevisionNews #entertainmentnews
#theparenttest #TV #tvnews #television #parenting #televisionnews #entertainmentnews
TV TONIGHT (January 12)
#Velma #ChristinaInTheCountry #MarriedToRealEstate #AllTheQueensMen #AccusedAE #TakingTheStand #VikingsValhalla #KungFuPanda #HowICaughtMyKiller #TheClimb #CriminalMinds #YoungSheldon #TheParentTest #Walker #HellsKitchen #SVU
#svu #hellskitchen #walker #theparenttest #youngsheldon #criminalminds #TheClimb #howicaughtmykiller #kungfupanda #VikingsValhalla #takingthestand #accusedae #allthequeensmen #marriedtorealestate #christinainthecountry #velma
Although Ali Wentworth is a mother herself, she doesn't consider herself to be a parenting expert. So, on "The Parent Test,' she's happy to be joined by a real parenting expert.
#AliWentworth #TheParentTest #TV #TVNews #television #entertainmentnews
#aliwentworth #theparenttest #TV #tvnews #television #entertainmentnews
In hosting "The Parent Test," comedian Ali Wentworth hopes that viewers will find the show thought-provoking when it comes to raising their own kids.
#AliWentworth #TheParentTest #TV #TVNews #televisonnews #television #entertainmentnews
#aliwentworth #theparenttest #TV #tvnews #televisonnews #television #entertainmentnews
TV TONIGHT (December 15)
#TheParentTest #CallMeMissCleo #HarryAndMeghan #RecordBreakingChristmas #TheGame #SLOCG #TheBadGuy #SonicPrime #LoveForTheAges #BeautyAndTheBeast30th #CriticalMinutes #TopGear #HipHopHomicides #BrinkOfDisaster #CSIVegas
#CSIVegas #brinkofdisaster #hiphophomicides #topgear #criticalminutes #BeautyAndTheBeast30th #lovefortheages #SonicPrime #thebadguy #slocg #thegame #recordbreakingchristmas #HarryAndMeghan #callmemisscleo #theparenttest
TV TONIGHT (December 15)
#TheParentTest #CallMeMissCleo #HarryAndMeghan #RecordBreakingChristmas #TheGame #SLOCG #TheBadGuy #SonicPrime #LoveForTheAges #BeautyAndTheBeast30th #CriticalMinutes #TopGear #HipHopHomicides #BrinkOfDisaster #CSIVegas
#CSIVegas #brinkofdisaster #hiphophomicides #topgear #criticalminutes #BeautyAndTheBeast30th #lovefortheages #SonicPrime #thebadguy #slocg #thegame #recordbreakingchristmas #HarryAndMeghan #callmemisscleo #theparenttest