Never looked at the photos of my first gig with The Pastels as they were all blurred but time has given them a value and I’m glad to have a record of it. In Mono, Glasgow, the night for David Williamson.
Kotaku: Nintendo Releasing Beautiful New Pastel Joy-Cons #gaming #tech #kotaku #handheldgameconsoles #videogameconsoles #nintendoswitch #thepastels #nintendo #joycon
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #handheldgameconsoles #videogameconsoles #nintendoswitch #thepastels #nintendo #joycon
New post from A Head Full of Wishes
My record collection: #031: The Pastels - Illumination
Illumination was the second album by The Pastels that Dean guested on - the sleeve notes aren’t kind enough to tell who appeared on what track so I guess you have to listen closely! For some reason I’ve shared Rough...
#ThePastels #Illumination #DeanWareham #MyRecordCollection
#myrecordcollection #deanwareham #illumination #thepastels
Truck, Train, Tractor - #ThePastels
Band oedd braidd yn fytholegol i fi yn 1985-6. Casetiau o sesiynau Peel, wedi recordio gan ffrind yng Nghorwen, oedd yr unig ffordd i’w clywed, nes i fi ffeindio’r sengl yma yn Phase One, Wrecsam
Just testing how Flickr links
look on here ->
#gigpics #diy #alternative #indie #thepastels
Yay, The Pastels just announced on the other place that they'll soon come over here too. <3