A good view of a navigator at the bombsight of a De Havilland Mosquito. The mosquito was initially proposed to the Royal Air Force as an unarmed, extremely fast, twin-engined bomber. It went on to also serve as a fighter, nightfighter, fighter-bomber, photoreconnaissance aircraft, target tug, naval strike aircraft, trainer, fast courier aircraft and more. The are no flying examples in Europe, but The People's Mosquito (a Registered Charity) is currently restoring one to flight status - see www.peoplesmosquito.org.uk for details. #DeHavilland, #Mosquito #WW2 #SecondWorldWar #RoyalAirForce #RAF #bomber #trainer #fighter #TPM #ThePeoplesMosquito #aircraftrestoration #aircraft #aviation #avgeek
#dehavilland #mosquito #ww2 #secondworldwar #royalairforce #raf #bomber #trainer #fighter #tpm #thepeoplesmosquito #aircraftrestoration #aircraft #aviation #avgeek
#MastodonMosquitoMoment This wartime photograph shows a number of DH Mosquito B. Mk IV lined up, prior to a daylight raid on an enemy target in Europe. The B.Mk. IV was the first bomber version of the Mosquito to enter service with the Royal Air Force, and these aircraft are from No. 139 Squadron, RAF, the second unit to be equipped with the Mosquito bomber. Initially used on daring daylight raids, the bomber versions of the Mosquito had no defensive armament, and relied on sheer speed to evade enemy fighters. The People's Mosquito is restoring a fighter-bomber version of the famed Mosquito in the UK. #RAF #RoyalAirForce #bomber #BomberCommand #DeHavilland #Mosquito #WW2 #history #Europe #aircraft #avgeek #TPM #ThePeoplesMosquito #UK
#mastodonmosquitomoment #raf #royalairforce #bomber #bombercommand #dehavilland #mosquito #ww2 #history #europe #aircraft #avgeek #tpm #thepeoplesmosquito #uk
#MastodonMosquitoMoment Here we see fitters making adjustments to a newly-built #Mosquito FB.VI at #Hatfield, during #WW2. Please consider supporting #ThePeoplesMosquito, a #RegisteredCharity that is restoring one of these magnificent #aircraft to #flight status in the #UK. #aviation #history #RoyalAirForce #technology
#mastodonmosquitomoment #mosquito #hatfield #ww2 #thepeoplesmosquito #registeredcharity #aircraft #flight #uk #aviation #history #royalairforce #technology