…at that very moment, entertaining the South Carolina Mata Hari on his yacht…
#ThePhiladelphiaStory #TCMParty
#thephiladelphiastory #TCMParty
In addition to Holiday, #TCM is airing a number of #screwballcomedy films tonight in their screwball comedy spotlight. #BringingUpBaby #HisGirlFriday #ThePhiladelphiaStory #comedy #TCMparty
Bringing Up Baby: https://www.solzyatthemovies.com/2021/08/20/bringing-up-baby-is-still-funny-over-80-years-later/
His Girl Friday: https://www.solzyatthemovies.com/2019/06/21/his-girl-friday-kicks-off-rom-com-fest-2019/
The Philadelphia Story: https://www.solzyatthemovies.com/2020/10/07/the-philadelphia-story-an-all-time-screwball-classic/
#TCMParty #comedy #thephiladelphiastory #hisgirlfriday #bringingupbaby #screwballcomedy #tcm
🎞️ #Movies -
Big movie nerd here. From the silent era to modern times, I have favorite movies in every decade. #WatchParty -friendly from Twitter, hope there's a community here for that, too!
#DieHard (Christmas movie. Fight me.) #TheManFromEarth #TheThing #Alien #Aliens #StarWars #Godzilla #MarxBrothers #CyranoDeBergerac #Robocop #LaurelAndHardy #TheThinMan #VForVendetta #Casablanca #ThePhiladelphiaStory #MelBrooks #MontyPython
#montypython #melbrooks #thephiladelphiastory #casablanca #vforvendetta #TheThinMan #laurelandhardy #robocop #cyranodebergerac #marxbrothers #godzilla #starwars #aliens #alien #thething #themanfromearth #diehard #watchparty #movies
That was really hard.
(I might add, The Lion in Winter is a Christmas movie)
#7filmstoknowme #babettesfeast #deadmendontwearplaid #thefifthelement #thelioninwinter #localhero #montypythonandtheholygrail #thephiladelphiastory
My family made it A Very Criterion Birthday 📀
#FilmMastodon #Criterion #CriterionCollection #Blu-ray #PhysicalMedia #TheAwfulTruth #ThePhiladelphiaStory #TheLadyEve #Holiday #CaryGrant #KatharineHepburn
#katharinehepburn #carygrant #holiday #theladyeve #thephiladelphiastory #theawfultruth #physicalmedia #blu #criterioncollection #Criterion #FilmMastodon