Meglio come artista che come uomo. I novanta anni di Roman Polanski in quattro dei suoi film.
#romanpolanski #polanski #chinatown #lelocataire #linquilinodelterzopiano #frantic #thepianist #ilpianista #4film #UnoCinema #cinema #cinéma #cinematography #cinemalover #cinematographer #movie #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #film #filmphotography #filmphoto #filmcommunity
#romanpolanski #polanski #Chinatown #lelocataire #linquilinodelterzopiano #frantic #thepianist #ilpianista #4film #unocinema #cinema #cinematography #cinemalover #cinematographer #movie #movies #moviescenes #filmscene #film #filmphotography #filmphoto #filmcommunity
Hi 🙂
FYI, I also posted #ThePianist (see it for free. Buy it when Polanksi dies); #IWasBornBut...' #YasujiroOzu; one of my favourites (the only rom-com I like) #FourWeddingsAndAFuneral; #Breathless #JeanLucGodard, #UnaGiornataParticolare (A Special Day) with #SophiaLoren and #MarcelloMastroiani, and some other #films, including #shortfilms and #LGBTQIAplusFilms
#thepianist #IWasBornBut #yasujiroozu #FourWeddingsAndAFuneral #Breathless #jeanlucgodard #UnaGiornataParticolare #SophiaLoren #MarcelloMastroiani #films #shortfilms #LGBTQIAplusFilms
#Film #completefilm with #AdrienBrody
#ThePianist - Full Movie HD
If you hate director #RomanPolanski as much as I do, watch this for free.
Wait until #Polanski dies. Then spend money so Brody can get paid.
#pianist #Chopin #piano #music #musique
#musica #musik #musicians
#film #completefilm #AdrienBrody #thepianist #RomanPolanski #polanski #pianist #chopin #piano #Music #musique #musica #musik #musicians
Yeah. The film I boosted I havent even watched it yet.
I'll look for the #film you just mentioned as well.
When I find the time, I want to to boost
a few #NouveauVague incl #AgnesVargas, some #KenLoach, #YasijiroOzu, #AvaDuvernay, #LynneRamsey, etc
I've already boosted #ThePianist because it's a great film but I didn't want to give Polanski any money.
As far as boosting films by living filmmakers is concerned, there are many people (like myself) who will watch a film for free, like 'Goodfellas' and then buy it.
So boosting films can serve 2 purposes:
1. Generating interest that will result in people actually buying stuff
2. Avoid spending money on criminals like Roman Polanski
#film #NouveauVague #AgnesVargas #kenloach #YasijiroOzu #AvaDuvernay #LynneRamsey #thepianist
(re)Watched Roman #Polanski's #film The Pianist
The movie script is based on an autobiography. The events took place only 68 years ago.