Vedeli ste, že mor s ľuďmi žije od rannej doby bronzovej, čo je 6 tisíc rokov dozadu.
A niekedy pred 3 tisíc rokmi morová baktéria, yersinia pestis, zmutovala a začala nakazenej blche spôsobovať zápchu.
Takže blche sa ucpe črevo, umiera od hladu a snaží sa zúfalo nažrať, ale všetko, vrátane hromady baktérií, vracia.
A, voilà, mor sa šíri o to efektívnejšie.
#theplague #genetics #digestion #ancestors #aliceroberts
Scientists have found 4,000-year-old DNA that’s the oldest evidence of the plague in two different locations in Britain. The evidence of widespread transmission across such a vast area in just a few centuries “seems to be one aspect of the rapid movement of people, technologies and ideas during this period,” archeologist Benjamin Roberts said. Here’s more from The Smithsonian.
#ThePlague #Disease #DNA
Kotaku: Dead By Daylight’s New Character Ends Game's Apparent Foot Fetish Trend #gaming #tech #kotaku #fetishphotographers #humanskullsymbolism #sexualfetishism #deadbydaylight #humansexuality #footfetishism #paraphilias #adrianaimai #videogaming #johnwillie #videogames #theplague #daylight #adawong #fetish #spirit #killer #twins
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #fetishphotographers #humanskullsymbolism #sexualfetishism #deadbydaylight #humansexuality #footfetishism #paraphilias #adrianaimai #videogaming #johnwillie #videogames #theplague #daylight #adawong #fetish #spirit #Killer #twins
Check out the covers on this new edition of Camus’ The Plague, translated by Laura Marris! #ThePlague #AlbertCamus #LauraMarris #SanJose #RecycleBookstoree
#theplague #albertcamus #lauramarris #sanjose #recyclebookstoree
Gave a presentation on "Epidemiology in the Bhelasaṃhitā" last month. Here are the slides:
#epidemics #Ayurveda #fever #ThePlague #malaria #EndemicDiseases #CommunicableDiseases
#epidemics #ayurveda #fever #theplague #malaria #endemicdiseases #communicablediseases
I, the Worst of All (1990) - María Luisa Bemberg
#MaríaLuisaBemberg #AssumptaSerna #Chileancinema #Mexico #DominiqueSanda #spanishinquisition #theplague #religion #feminist
#marialuisabemberg #assumptaserna #chileancinema #mexico #dominiquesanda #spanishinquisition #theplague #religion #feminist
“ the Black Death devastated Afro-Eurasia, killing up to 30–50% of the population…protective gene variants overlap with alleles that are today associated with increased susceptibility to autoimmune diseases, providing empirical evidence for the role played by past pandemics in shaping present-day susceptibility to disease. #blackdeath #theplague #naturalselection #immunesystemgenes #autoimmuneisease
#BlackDeath #theplague #naturalselection #immunesystemgenes #autoimmuneisease
Finally got my covid booster booked... for the 17th Dec.
Things work very differently with the NHS up here in Wales and I'm not used to it yet after living in England my entire life so far.
Crossing my fingers I don't get it... because nearly 3yrs into this pandemic... I've managed to avoid getting it at all so far. I have no idea how the vaccines will protect me after almost 18 months since my last one.
#covid #covid19 #theplague #dontopendeadinside #sometimeszombiefied
#covid #COVID19 #theplague #dontopendeadinside #sometimeszombiefied
#lurker migrated from the blue bird site.
I eat #food. I like to make #pizza, #pasta, #toast and #espresso.
Grew up in #rijeka, #croatia . Was allowed unfiltered access to the #internet from a young age. It didn't do me much good.
Here's a bunch of hastags:
#music #vinyl #linux #audiophile #hifi #film #analogphotography #dontknowwhathashtagstouse #tryingmybest #MessedUp from #theplague #socialdistancing #isolation
#isolation #socialdistancing #theplague #MessedUp #tryingmybest #dontknowwhathashtagstouse #analogphotography #film #hifi #audiophile #linux #vinyl #music #internet #croatia #rijeka #espresso #toast #pasta #pizza #food #lurker #introduction
“The Plague… I Don’t Know When It’ll Happen But It’s Coming” And He Called Fauci A Monster!! IQ 220 Mega Genius Deepstater Red Pills The World For 4 Hours Straight In Historical Video!
#theplague #COVID #Fauci #redpill #deepstate
#DeepState #redpill #fauci #COVID #theplague
The 432-year-old manual on social distancing - BBC Future
#history #theplague #COVID19 #SocialDistancing
No longer merely metaphor: Re-reading The Plague by Albert Camus - Read here: #AlbertCamus #ThePlague #coronavirus #CoronaCrisis #COVID19 #COVID_19 #COVID__19 #Lockdown
#lockdown #covid__19 #Covid_19 #COVID19 #CoronaCrisis #coronavirus #theplague #albertcamus