Jul💜 · @jules_wh52
43 followers · 221 posts · Server tkz.one

MAY 12th at 1PM KST

#theplanet #theplanetbybts #btsxbastions #bastions #bts

Last updated 2 years ago

Jul💜 · @jules_wh52
43 followers · 220 posts · Server tkz.one

12 de mayo


#theplanetbybts #theplanet #bts

Last updated 2 years ago

:mastodon: Mike Amundsen · @mamund
1557 followers · 1172 posts · Server mastodon.social

Insurtech experts talk climate disaster, parametric & risk


"The big challenge that is going to engulf particularly the catastrophe insurance industry over the next few years is the fact that the future is starting to look less and less like the past."


Last updated 2 years ago

:mastodon: Mike Amundsen · @mamund
1507 followers · 1069 posts · Server mastodon.social

Capitalism is killing the planet – it’s time to stop buying into our own destruction


"Instead of focusing on ‘micro consumerist bollocks’ like ditching our plastic coffee cups, we must challenge the pursuit of wealth and level down, not up."


Last updated 2 years ago

Louise #FBPE · @LChannon
207 followers · 1284 posts · Server mstdn.social

I’m a bit perplexed by this obsession with nuclear fusion. It may be carbon neutral but I don’t think it’s environmentally friendly in any other way is it? The tons of concrete needed to build reactors and store the waste is one thing- if that’s what you do with fusion. Why not go for wind, solar,tidal,ground source first? It’s cheaper, more easily constructed and the weather and tides are always here!

#theplanet #greenenergy #Energy #nuclear #Climate

Last updated 2 years ago

Whatzaname in MO USA · @whatzaname
210 followers · 1383 posts · Server masto.ai

@WilliamsStrangeFest It's how they became billionaires. No one gets that rich by being good for &

#theplanet #humankind

Last updated 2 years ago

Whatzaname in MO USA · @whatzaname
201 followers · 1299 posts · Server masto.ai

@Goby If *we* with the and as best we can wherever we are then even if 'collapses' and will continue. It's how it has always worked when oversized overwhelming disaster strikes. Whether a or
The long story of is so much more than this relatively short we call
Of course it won't be without pain but we won't assign suffering to one group only the way capitalism does

#share #displaced #hungry #civilization #thepeople #theplanet #volcano #quake #flood #capitalism #humankind #disaster #theeconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

Whatzaname in MO USA · @whatzaname
201 followers · 1296 posts · Server masto.ai

@Goby I like to reframe that:

There is so much hope for a future with the end of

(Already frameworks exist that can replace capitalism and greedy over-consumption and destructive hoarding by a few to the detriment of . So, there is SO MUCH hope and even models that could be implemented. It will likely be lots of regional localized economies, voluntarily and mutually exchanging goods and services as need, with & in mind)

#human #capitalism #theplanet #thepeople #sustainability

Last updated 2 years ago

Whatzaname in MO USA · @whatzaname
201 followers · 1296 posts · Server masto.ai

@iarov Not to say that in regions without democracy, it might seem capitalism is an integral part. But it needn't be. Democracy can only peacefully exist once capitalism and greedy consumption for wealth by a few is halted.
Long before capitalism Earth's inhabitants ebbed and flowed with

Eventually we will figure out how to do that again, but with knowledge and sustainable tech we now better understand.

Or we won't.

will carry on without us if that's how it goes.

#nature #theplanet

Last updated 2 years ago

Molly R in MO USA · @whatzaname
198 followers · 1236 posts · Server masto.ai

@Dontgivadam nope. I disagree. Sometimes we have to throw out the fakers and deal directly with the money behind them. It took a presidency as disastrous to humanity as T**** To get even a handful more people to wake up. For ffs Warnock barely beat Walker. Walker can barely speak a complete sentence, never mind a coherent sentence. It's going to have to get messy before we can fix this for and

#humankind #theplanet

Last updated 2 years ago

Molly R in MO USA · @whatzaname
182 followers · 1103 posts · Server masto.ai

@britishtechguru Nah. The river don't want the fresh bodies. The soil does tho! I mean, I wouldn't actually wanna see anyone die ahead of their natural schedule, but when they *do* die it might be good to put them where we all belong in the end - in the soil to feed
It's the very least we could do.


Last updated 2 years ago

Molly R in MO USA · @whatzaname
182 followers · 1089 posts · Server masto.ai

@britishtechguru At least chuck the leftovers out so the scavengers can benefit. Or wrap it lightly and bury it just enough it doesn't reappear too soon, so can do their thing. So tired of making our dead absolutely useless to that kept us alive that whole time!

#mycelium #humankind #theplanet

Last updated 2 years ago

Molly R in MO USA · @whatzaname
181 followers · 1053 posts · Server masto.ai

IMO the only way survives into the distant is if we do so with all of the other and and and
Most projects a dark mechanical future, but I don't think we ever get there. We either wake up to the inhumanity of and then apply that to or we end our time as a species and whatever survives sees a future without us. And both options are equal as far as is concerned

#humankind #future #together #critters #plants #air #water #scifi #racism #hate #destruction #everything #natural #oddlyenough #theplanet

Last updated 2 years ago

Molly R in MO USA · @whatzaname
129 followers · 595 posts · Server masto.ai

If we all only for and that which is sustainably produced, we would be so and so that the would be stuck just doing to each other.

It's so simple, it just might work. And if not, what was the harm? Can't be worse than how it goes now.


We can still do the good stuff but let's do it in a way that's good for and by extension

#work #consume #local #humankind #billionaires #capitalism #community #greed #theplanet #goodforgood

Last updated 2 years ago

Molly R in MO USA · @whatzaname
128 followers · 580 posts · Server masto.ai

@runningpunk The keyword is . No offense, I'm getting old. (and coincidentally also a ) But ideas are needed and the old GOP was all about keeping themselves and their cohort in power. And man o man did they succeed! This new GOP is just the inevitable next step: no worse, just out in the open instead of hidden in churches and boardrooms.
is the problem imo and all the parties need to STFU and listen to and

#old #hillbilly #new #capitalism #theplanet #humankind

Last updated 2 years ago

Holland · @itsmeholland
8 followers · 25 posts · Server mastodon.social

Wowzers! It's so weird to again after like a 2-year hiatus due to the . (It's not that I think it's over, I just really need money.)

It's kind of great to be *doing something.* Not like, for or , I'm just a lol. But i mean just doing literally anything. Interacting with people, moving my body, making things. And then getting to just go home and get paid. There's things to like about having a relatively simple type of job.

#work #pandemic #theplanet #mycommunity #barista

Last updated 2 years ago