Office of the Planning Regulator Publishes Report on Second Phase of An Bord Pleanála Review
Interesting reading.
Protecting Independence of Inspectorate among other important things
#anbordpleanala #theplanningcommission
Resident groups to be barred from taking High Court actions against planning decisions
#AnBordPleanala #ThePlanningCommission #IrishJudicialReview
#irishTimes #anbordpleanala #theplanningcommission #irishjudicialreview #irishplanning
Appeal to #AnBordPleanala #ThePlanningCommission
the council planners report stated ...
the scale of studies required across the existing #BrentGeese feeding grounds & potentially across a number of winter seasons would be beyond the remit of a request for further information & therefore permission be refused.
#anbordpleanala #theplanningcommission #brentgeese
How 'deeply controversial' planning law changes could lead to 'years of litigation'
Worth a read
Now here on
@fplogue comment
“It’s grossly unfair to somebody ... to find that the goalposts have been moved after they started their proceedings and that they effectively end up challenging a different decision that wasn’t in existence when they started.”
#planninglawsireland #theplanningcommission #anbordpleanala
Thanks for posting this.
Bought the paper to read the article today.
Just adding a tag or 2 in this it might be useful.
Hope you don't mind. Seems you can find very little without tags.
#anbordpleanala #theplanningcommission