I just watched the #trailer for #Godland, a #2022 joint #Icelandic / #Danish #film #DirectedBy #HylnurPálmason
The description has a quote from a #Variety review comparing it to #ThereWillBeBlood. The #plot description and trailer make it seem also like #ThePoisonwoodBible.
Seems intense, in a good way.
#thecriterionchannel #thepoisonwoodbible #plot #ThereWillBeBlood #variety #hylnurpalmason #directedby #Film #danish #Icelandic #godland #trailer
NYJ, Gamal Abdel Nasser was on the cover of Time ($.20) the week I was born, it's great to have so many regional restaurants these days but I still like Cantonese best. #ManfredTheWonderDog #CrabbyAppleton #BlueAsh #XTC #PeterHam #AlexChilton #ChrisBell #IfIWereABell #SitDownYou'reRockingTheBoat #PoliticsandPoker #HowardDeSilva #BillHickey #WilliamDemarest #EdwardEverettHorton #Terrihuahuas #JardineParrots #ThePoisonwoodBible #JosephConrad #Groucho #MottStreet #WashingtonSquare #TheAgeOfInnocenc
#theageofinnocenc #washingtonsquare #mottstreet #groucho #josephconrad #thepoisonwoodbible #jardineparrots #terrihuahuas #edwardeveretthorton #williamdemarest #billhickey #howarddesilva #politicsandpoker #sitdownyou #ifiwereabell #chrisbell #AlexChilton #peterham #xtc #blueash #crabbyappleton #manfredthewonderdog