Gizmodo: A New Live-Action Pokémon TV Show Is Coming, But Not In the Way You'd Think #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #pokemon25thanniversary #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #entertainmentculture #thepokemoncompany #nanasenishino #madokaakagi #pokemon #netflix #pikachu #ketchum #lapras
#videogamesdevelopedinjapan #pokemon25thanniversary #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #entertainmentculture #thepokemoncompany #nanasenishino #madokaakagi #pokemon #netflix #pikachu #ketchum #lapras
La expansión Escarlata y Púrpura-Llamas Obsidianas ya se encuentra disponible
#JuegosDeMesa #Noticias #ExpansinEscarlataYPrpuraLlamasObsidianas #JCC #Pokmon #PokmonExTeracristal #ThePokemonCompany
#juegosdemesa #noticias #expansinescarlatayprpurallamasobsidianas #jcc #pokmon #pokmonexteracristal #thepokemoncompany
Pokémon Sleep ya está disponible en Europa
#Noticias #DormiDex #PokmonGOPlus #PokmonSleep #ThePokemonCompany
#noticias #dormidex #pokmongoplus #pokmonsleep #thepokemoncompany
Kotaku: Fairy Pokémon Have Become A Queer Calling Card #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #videogamecontroversies #roleplayingvideogames #thepokemoncompany #videogamesequels #ashleyremminga #shivaniishwar #pokemonanime #thunderstone #nicolehill #ashketchum #aribryant #mattstorm #squirtle #pokemon #wallace #pikachu #mimikyu #eevee #moon #grey #mew
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #videogamecontroversies #roleplayingvideogames #thepokemoncompany #videogamesequels #ashleyremminga #shivaniishwar #pokemonanime #thunderstone #nicolehill #ashketchum #aribryant #mattstorm #squirtle #pokemon #wallace #pikachu #mimikyu #eevee #moon #grey #mew
Free-to-play Pokémon TCG Live will fully launch on PC this June - #PokémonTradingCardGameLive #ThePokemonCompany #Strategy #Android #Mac #iOS #PC
#pc #ios #mac #android #strategy #thepokemoncompany #pokemontradingcardgamelive
GCC Pokémon Live, svelata la data di uscita: sarà disponibile a giugno
#gccpokemonlive #thepokemoncompany
GCC Pokémon Live, svelata la data di uscita: sarà disponibile a giugno
#gccpokemonlive #thepokemoncompany
Únete a la transmisión del Campeonato Internacional Pokémon de Europa en directo desde Londres, del 14 al 16 de abril de 2023
#Noticias #CampeonatoInternacionalPokémondeEuropa #CentroExCel #PokémonJuegodeCartasColeccionables #ThePokemonCompany
#centroexcel #pokemonjuegodecartascoleccionables #thepokemoncompany #noticias #campeonatointernacionalpokemondeeuropa
The Pokémon Company anuncia nuevos proyectos para este 2023, aquí todos los detalles
#Noticias #LaconserjePokémon #netflix #PokémonDay #PokémonJCC #PokémonJCCClásico #PokémonJuegodeCartasColeccionables #pokemonpresents #ThePokemonCompany
#noticias #laconserjepokemon #netflix #pokemonday #pokemonjcc #pokemonjccclasico #pokemonjuegodecartascoleccionables #pokemonpresents #thepokemoncompany
Kotaku: Everything Announced For Pokémon Day #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #roleplayingvideogames #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #pokc3a9moncompany #thepokemoncompany #worldchampionship #galarianmoltres #swordandshield #videogames #ashketchum #articuno #pokemon #snorlax #netflix #pikachu #celebi #marnie #zapdos #eevee
#galarianmoltres #swordandshield #videogames #ashketchum #articuno #pokemon #snorlax #netflix #pikachu #celebi #marnie #zapdos #eevee #Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #roleplayingvideogames #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #pokc3a9moncompany #thepokemoncompany #worldchampionship
La expansión Cenit Supremo del Juego de Cartas Coleccionables Pokémon ya a la venta
#Noticias #CenitSupremo #JCCPokémon #PokémonJuegodeCartasColeccionables #ThePokemonCompany
#noticias #cenitsupremo #jccpokemon #pokemonjuegodecartascoleccionables #thepokemoncompany
Test de Légendes Pokémon : Arceus sur Nintendo Switch
#nintendo #nintendoswitch #test #review #videogames #jeuxvideo #indiegame #indiegames #eshop #nintendodifference #pokemon #arceus #pokemonarceus #legendespokemonarceus #gamefreak #thepokemoncompany
#Nintendo #nintendoswitch #test #review #videogames #jeuxvideo #indiegame #indiegames #eshop #nintendodifference #pokemon #arceus #pokemonarceus #legendespokemonarceus #gamefreak #thepokemoncompany
La nueva serie Escarlata y Púrpura de Pokémon JCC recupera la mecánica de los Pokémon ex e introduce a los Pokémon Teracristal
#Coleccionismo #Juegosdemesa #Noticias #EscarlatayPúrpura #PokémonJCC #PokémonTeracristal #ThePokémonCompany
#coleccionismo #juegosdemesa #noticias #escarlataypurpura #pokemonjcc #pokemonteracristal #thepokemoncompany
I'll be honest, I'm starting to feel that "shallow game" fatigue. Luckily, the Paths are well worth going on for. And the side-stories in the school are exactly what I wanted them to be.
#Pokemon #PokemonViolet #GameFreak #Nintendo #ThePokemonCompany #GamePhotography
#gamephotography #thepokemoncompany #nintendo #gamefreak #pokemonviolet #pokemon
I'll be honest, I'm starting to feel that "shallow game" fatigue. Luckily, the Paths are well worth going on for. And the side-stories in the school are exactly what I wanted them to be.
#Pokemon #PokemonViolet #GameFreak #Nintendo #ThePokemonCompany #GamePhotography
#gamephotography #thepokemoncompany #nintendo #gamefreak #pokemonviolet #pokemon
Hmm. I'm moving from one of the Titans to one of the Team Star bases, and there's absolutely nothing new in-between. Except maybe 2 Pokémon species. Not even the levels increased.
Strangely enough, the game seems to be working against my desire to faff around before moving on. :/
#Pokemon #GameFreak #Nintendo #ThePokemonCompany #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #thepokemoncompany #nintendo #gamefreak #pokemon
Pokémon UNITE celebra el año nuevo con la llegada de un nuevo Pokémon y un montón de eventos
#noticias #f2p #gratis #pokemonunite #thepokemoncompany
Abro debate después de lo que he comentado con @skilink :
Partiendo de la base de que los tempos de #ThePokemonCompany y #Nintendo no permiten a #GameFreak tener un desarrollo mínimamente largo de un videojuego debido a la producción continua de peluches, animes, cartas, etc... ¿veríais mal que la saga de videojuegos cambiase de rumbo a juegos más modestos con vista cenital, e intentando potenciar por ahí el tamaño de la región y las cosas que hacer en la misma CON UN BUEN ESTILO ARTÍSTICO (te miro a ti remakes de 4a), más que intentar hacer (rápido y mal) un juego triple A de mundo abierto que intente rivalizar a los grandes del género como BOTW o el Assassins Creed de turno?
Digo al principio lo de los tempos de las distintas empresas involucradas porque las opciones de dar un parón a la saga para coger fuerzas lo veo altamente dificil.
¡Os leo!
#thepokemoncompany #Nintendo #gamefreak
Please don't trust #Gamefreak OR #ThePokemonCompany EVER and BEWARE of those that say they PREORDERED THE GAME.
#scarlet / #violet are a #scam. A terrifyingly bad scam and it should be illegal. I hope they stop the game from being sold.
#gamefreak #thepokemoncompany #scarlet #violet #scam
Instead of approaching this from a more negative angle, I'm just going to say that I can't wait until #GameFreak patches the performance of #PokemonScarletViolet.
Sincerely looking forward to playing it. Easily spent nearly 1000 hours playing #PokemonLegendsArceus, and I suspect I'll spend as much as here.
(Edit: Changed word)
#gaming #thepokemoncompany #nintendo #pokemon #pokemonlegendsarceus #pokemonscarletviolet #gamefreak