In continuing the annual Hip Hop Appreciation Week focused on the Emcee:

Here's "Let the Rhythm Just" with Ayla Nereo, Mr. Lif and The Polish Ambassador roundin out the collaboration of 3

As Minister Sun-One suggested I
the recent call to action, deejays should focus on conscious Emcees this week.

So at least personally, I'm being mindful of the kind of words which they speak.

#hiphopappreciationweek #hiphop #mrlif #aylanereo #thepolishambassador

Last updated 1 year ago

Minister Sun One with a call out to all Deejays for Hip Hop Appreciation Week 2023 (this year: May 15th to the 21st, 2023 focused on the Emcee) to encourage a more conscious playlist:

I would caution: be mindful of the present conviction of Prakazrel Samuel Michel, commonly known as Pras Michél of the Fugees, is that the "conscious" sort of Emcee to promote? Someone apparently taking bribes from a billionaire?

At least for me, I think of an Emcee not putting on an air.

For example: Mr. Lif still has some flare!

Here collaboratin with Ayla Nereo and The Polish Ambassador:

#hiphop #hiphopappreciationweek2023 #templeofhiphop #emcee #deejay #mrlif #aylanereo #thepolishambassador #complete

Last updated 2 years ago

Pete Cogle · @petecogle
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