«Bisogna invertire la tendenza e dare più spazio ai fiumi»
«L’estate del 2023 sarà diversa da quella dello scorso anno, le portate del fiume sono aumentate e, a parte una zona critica nel piacentino, le falde si sono ricaricate in
#Thepost«Bisogna invertire la tendenza e dare più spazio ai fiumi» first appeared on il manifesto.
'The trend must be reversed and more space must be given to rivers'
"#Thesummerof2023 will be different from last year, river flows have increased and, apart from a critical area in the Piacenza area, the water tables have recharged in
The post "We must reverse the trend and give more space to the rivers" first appeared on il manifesto.
23-5-2023 0:1 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/bisogna-invertire-la-tendenza-e-dare-piu-spazio-ai-fiumi
Film 5 of 2023:
The Post (2017)
Excellently made historical drama covering a little-known but crucial point in history. Meryl Streep is terrific.
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Se avete la possibilità guardate su #RaiPlay #ThePost di #StevenSpielberg. "La stampa serva chi è governato, non chi governa”.
#Raiplay #thepost #stevenspielberg
Once again, I'm late to the party but... Wow, #ThePost, what a great film!
It has layers upon layers for reflection and some beautifully shot scenes.
Plus, I saw it without remembering it was Spielberg's. It all made sense when the credits rolled.
Oups, je comfond #Spotlights (pedocriminalité dans l'église catho à Boston) et #ThePost (Pantagon Papers, Guerre du Vietnam).
Quoiqu'il en soit : les films de journalisme ❤️
J'adore les films de journalisme. Je regarde #SheSaid : la tension est aussi palpable que dans #ThePost (pédocriminalité de l'Église) et #AllThePresidentsMen (Watergate). Ici il s'agit des deux journalistes du NYT qui ont enquêté sur l'affaire Weinstein.
Le courage de ces femmes, les journalistes et celles qui ont parlé, est extraordinaire. Voir ce sujet traité ainsi est cathartique.
Je crois qu'on a encore tou•te•s besoin de comprendre le choc historique de cette affaire.
#shesaid #thepost #AllThePresidentsMen #microcritique
Great quote in #ThePost just on #ABC about the publication of the #PentagonPapers.
The Supreme Court of USA said :
'The Press is to serve the governed not the government.'
Wish our #MSM understood that today, especially #Murdoch's #NewsCorpse.
#thepost #abc #pentagonpapers #msm #murdoch #newscorpse
Water Street’s Hooters in Liverpool has arrived in a maelstrom of controversy. But is it deserved?
#Hooters #Liverpool #ThePost