Dan Ramos :verified: · @Dan_Ramos
1028 followers · 4719 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

I've still got my Epson Apex 80 printer and considered hooking it up to one of my ol' machines (Atari, C64 or Laser 128) and printing some old-school style banners to put outside in the porch windows one of these days just to look anachronistic! :)

"Floppy Disk Friday! Ye Olde THE PRINT SHOP. Such a Classic! Who doesn't still have a Banner around from those days? 😜"
Source: twitter.com/thevintnerd/status

#atari #atari8bit #c64 #apple2 #theprintshop #broderbund #retrocomputers #retrogaming

Last updated 1 year ago