America's F*cked Up Tax System | The Problem With Jon Stewart #TheProblemWithJonStewart #tax #taxes #YouTube
#theproblemwithjonstewart #tax #taxes #youtube
Interview with Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm | The Problem with Jon Stewart #TheProblemWithJonStewart #interview #guncontrol #YouTube
#theproblemwithjonstewart #interview #guncontrol #youtube
The Inflation Blame Game | The Problem with Jon Stewart #TheProblemWithJonStewart #inflation #economy #YouTube
#theproblemwithjonstewart #inflation #economy #youtube
Heute neu auf #AppleTVPlus 👇🏼
#Extrapolations S01E06
#HelloTomorrow S01E10 Finale
#TheProblemWithJonStewart S02E12 Finale
#MyKindOfCountry S01E07+E08 Finale
Details und Vorschau:
#AppleTVPlus #boomboomtheworldvsborisbecker #extrapolations #hellotomorrow #theproblemwithjonstewart #mykindofcountry
The Media's Failure on the Trump Indictment | The Problem with Jon Stewart #TheProblemWithJonStewart #trump #media #YouTube
#theproblemwithjonstewart #trump #media #youtube
Watching #JonStewart prevent world war single handedly. #TheProblemWithJonStewart
#jonstewart #theproblemwithjonstewart
Heute neu auf #AppleTVPlus 👇🏼
#EvaTheOwlet S01
#Liaison S01E06 Finale
#HelloTomorrow S01E09
#TheProblemWithJonStewart S02E11
#Extrapolations S01E05
#MyKindOfCountry S01E04-06
#CarpoolKaraoke S05E14
Details und Vorschau auf nächste Woche:
#AppleTVPlus #tetris #evatheowlet #liaison #hellotomorrow #theproblemwithjonstewart #extrapolations #mykindofcountry #carpoolkaraoke
Hörrni, i morgon är jag med i den här killens program och förklarar för honom hur Europa funkar. @jonstewart
RT @TheProblem: We’re heading to Europe on an urgent diplomatic mission to see who’s with us, who’s against us…and who makes the best pastries. Watch "Searching for Allies" starting March 31 on @appletvplus.
#JonStewart ´s Takedown of #transphobe #Arkansas#AttorneyGeneral 2022
Get popcorn! 🍿
#TransAndNonbinaryRightsAreHumanRights :heart_nb: :heart_trans:
#theproblemwithjonstewart #JonStewart #transphobe #arkansas #transandnonbinaryrightsarehumanrights #genderaffirmingcare
#JonStewart ´s Takedown of #transphobe #Kansas governor 2022
Get popcorn! 🍿
#TransAndNonbinaryRightsAreHumanRights :heart_nb: :heart_trans:
#theproblemwithjonstewart #JonStewart #transphobe #kansas #transandnonbinaryrightsarehumanrights #genderaffirmingcare
Cis parents talk about their #transkids on #TheProblemWithJonStewart 2022
#TransAndNonbinaryRightsAreHumanRights :heart_nb: :heart_trans:
#transkids #theproblemwithjonstewart #transandnonbinaryrightsarehumanrights
Neu auf #AppleTVPlus 👇🏼
#RealMadrid Doku
S04E09 #Servant
S03E08 #TruthBeTold
S01E08 #Shrinking
S01E08 #DearEdward
S01E06 #HelloTomorrow
S01E03 #Liaison
S02E08 #TheProblemWithJonStewart
S02E10 #SelenaGomez #Dear
Details und Vorschau auf die neue Woche:
#AppleTVPlus #RealMadrid #servant #truthbetold #shrinking #dearedward #hellotomorrow #liaison #theproblemwithjonstewart #SelenaGomez #dear
Interview with General David Petraeus | The Problem With Jon Stewart | Apple TV #TheProblemWithJonStewart #military #afghanistan #YouTube
#theproblemwithjonstewart #military #afghanistan #youtube
I kind want John Stewart to do a episode on “the fatherless crisis” just to tear that governor’s platform apart again. #theproblemwithjonstewart
Interview with Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm | The Problem with Jon Stewart #TheProblemWithJonStewart #interview #guncontrol #YouTube
#theproblemwithjonstewart #interview #guncontrol #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Interview With Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm | The Problem With Jon Stewart
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion wi
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #InterviewWithOklahomaStateSen.NathanDahm #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #TheProblemWithJonStewart #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #interviewwithoklahomastatesen #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #theproblemwithjonstewart #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Interview with Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm | The Problem with Jon Stewart
#news #politics #uspolitics #theproblemwithjonstewart #jonstewart #oklahoma #nathandahm
#news #politics #uspolitics #theproblemwithjonstewart #jonstewart #Oklahoma #nathandahm
Ab heute neu auf #AppleTVPlus ↓
#TheProblemWithJonStewart S02E07
#Servant S04E08
#TruthBeTold S03E07
#Shrinking S01E07
#DearEdward S01E07
#HelloTomorrow S01E05
#Liaison S01E02
#AppleTVPlus #theproblemwithjonstewart #servant #truthbetold #shrinking #dearedward #hellotomorrow #liaison
Another great discussion, this time about solutions to the problem of violent police interactions.
It's absurd how much money we spend on police and not on other ways to enforce the laws that would be CHEAPER, too!
Cops don't want to enforce traffic laws. They don't want to be mental health professionals. They don't want to punish people for being poor. Most want to help people. But 911 only has one resource for non medical issues: cops.
#HeatherMcGhee #PhillipAtibaGoff #CenterForPolicingEquity #TyreNichols #DefundThePolice
#theproblemwithjonstewart #heathermcghee #phillipatibagoff #centerforpolicingequity #tyrenichols #defundthepolice
The Far Right Goes Global: Anne Applebaum on Autocracy Inc. | The Problem With Jon Stewart Podcast
#theproblemwithjonstewart #anneapplebaum #autacracyinc #trump #bolsonaro #putin #podcast #politics
#politics #theproblemwithjonstewart #anneapplebaum #autacracyinc #trump #bolsonaro #podcast #putin