· @kolya
171 followers · 3624 posts · Server social.cologne

Just watched The Prophecy from 1995 again (aka God's Army), featuring Christopher Walken, Eric Stoltz and Viggo Mortensen as fallen angels fighting over who gets back in God's favour.
The film reaps many cool and sinister moments from the idea that these angels walk on earth and they're not good at all.
One of the easier to overlook is when Gabriel (Walken) uses the trumpet of Jericho as a toy to befriend some children and check on their souls.

#theprophecy #godsarmy #christopherwalken

Last updated 1 year ago

PhillipeSudDuMonde :verified: · @PhillipeSudDuMonde
119 followers · 1625 posts · Server lile.cl

Quiere ver una buena ? Pase, por favor
Wanna watch a good ? Come in, please
Vous voulez regarde un bon ?
Entrez, s'il vous plaรฎt
(English w/ EngSubtitles)

#pelicula #movie #film #theprophecy #gregorywiden #christopherwalken #eliaskoteas #virginiamadsen #viggomortensen

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Rowlands · @trolleydave1971
38 followers · 127 posts · Server masto.nu

Something I often hear from my fellow and is that they can no longer enjoy films about the supernatural, or related to religious themes. I've been an and horror fan my entire life, and still enjoyed horrors based around these themes. Films like , , are some of my favourites. Same with a good ghost story, or a good werewolf film. We discuss this idea in this stream on @AnswersInReason.


#atheists #skeptics #horror #atheist #theomen #theexorcist #theprophecy

Last updated 2 years ago