Uh, oh, there's sexism involved when it comes to writing songs for the music industry.....
#thepudding #songwriting #sexism
#darkPatterns are an infuriating concept and this article by Caroline Sonders was a great, if depressing, read.
It also makes me sad that there are people out there who feel they must comply with this abhorrent practice to keep their job.
Individual responsibility is important. However, knowing there are regulations makes it so much easier for people to say no.
Have you been able to say no to these kinds of requests? Did it make a difference in the end?
Very cool interactive map from @thepudding "proves" that #BellinghamWA is the one true Bellingham... at least for most of the country.
#bellinghamwa #maps #bellingham #cartography #dataviz #thepudding
"The Pudding Cup - The best visual and data-driven stories of 2022".
#data #visualisation #journalism #thepudding
#data #visualisation #Journalism #thepudding