Doubtful an early-20s dude bro uses 'Jesus wept!' and other horror tropes from The Quarry.
Thank you for the follow/s - illarox
Sub/s - SkyAlokar, VulcanRyan
Bits - @jademelodyca
Raid - Mister_Wizzard
#thequarry #thequarrygame #supermassivegames
Can nine camp counsellors survive RightBigChimken...? Oh, and my actual Twitch Affiliate anniversary! I guess... The answer may surprise you.
Going live Sunday, 10 September | 19:00 - 23:00 UTC+1
#thequarry #thequarrygame #supermassivegames
The motion cap in #thequarry is pretty strange. Eyes and mouth are just.. weird
I’ve caved and brought my old gaming PC (which i never used in that sense) down to the living room and using it on the telly with a steam controller.. so many games I’ve not been able to play.
Still not a massive fan of faffing around before playing a game but I’m getting over it. Playing #thequarry at the moment
After #HouseOfAshes I should head back to #TheQuarry as there's still some trophies to get there as well. 😊
I would not call myself a hunter, I have way too little trophies for that. But I do love getting trophies as I feel they let me explore the game better. 😊
#houseofashes #thequarry #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #ps4 #playstation #trophies
Platinum Trophy No. 155: The Quarry
Can't say I had the best time with this outside of my first run and certainly not one I'd recommend for trophy hunters who value their sanity 😅
More info on my instagram
#TheQuarry #Horrorgames #Gaming #Gamer #Videogames #PlatinumTrophy #Platinumtrophyhunter #Playstation #ShareYourGames
#thequarry #horrorgames #gaming #gamer #videogames #platinumtrophy #platinumtrophyhunter #playstation #shareyourgames
One last playthrough for The Quarry's platinum trophy but this has bugged me from day one 🤣
It's "Wheelbarrow"?!
#TheQuarry #Horrorgames #PlatinumTrophy #Gaming #Gamers #Videogames #ShareYourGames
#thequarry #horrorgames #platinumtrophy #gaming #gamers #videogames #shareyourgames
I was looking at The Quarry's Trophy list and ... I'm just gonna assume this was intentional and some kind of in-joke I'm not getting 😅
Double typo??
#TheQuarry #PlatinumTrophyHunter #PlatinumTrophy #Playstation #Gamer #Gaming #Videogames #HorrorGames
#thequarry #platinumtrophyhunter #platinumtrophy #playstation #gamer #gaming #videogames #horrorgames
My friends just left.
I definitely snacked too much (hey its my party 😉) so riding the bike now.
Had my #PS4 still on, so booted up #TheQuarry and started a couch coop on my own.
Am following a guide to help me get clues, collectibles and trophies. Played the game 2½ times now, so it's no spoilers. 😊
Link to the guide I use is:
#ps4 #thequarry #shareyourgames #gaming #playstation
CW images: spoiler warnings for the game The Quarry.
Just finished chapter 4. I thought I was already in chapter 6 or 7, so definitely have a long time to go before I finish this play through. 😊
Then I need a couch coop, and during that, I need to decline all tarot reading offers. It's two trophies 🏆 I don't have yet.
Playing on #PS5 now. Did the Wolf Pack ones on #PS4 as they didn't allow crossplay between 4 and 5.
#ShareYourGames #Gaming #Playstation #TheQuarry #ScreenshotSaturday
#ps5 #ps4 #shareyourgames #gaming #playstation #thequarry #ScreenshotSaturday
No #Gaming yesterday as I wasn't home much. Hopefully today I'll be able to play some more...
I should ask @Larzzzz for another round of #Borderlands3 soon! It's been a while since I/we played this game... 😊
Maybe I can coop something with Mel? Or just play some more of #TheQuarry on my own?
Let's see what today will bring...
#gaming #borderlands3 #thequarry #shareyourgames
So, today I tried my #PS4 headphones again on the #PS5 and... This time they give me sound!!
So now I'm gaming on the bike.
It's still waiting on repairs as the flywheel. Is bad and making so much noise. So a headphones will let me hear the game better.
Currently playing the #PS5 version of #TheQuarry.
#ps4 #ps5 #thequarry #shareyourgames #gaming #playstation
I met Lance Henrisken a few years ago and he was just the most polite and pleasant gentleman!
It's so weird to see him like this in #TheQuarry. 😊
#thequarry #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation
Got to the end of chapter one... Only 9 more to go... Let's see what happens this time... 😊
#shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation #thequarry
Cw: eye contact
Playing #TheQuarry while riding the bike.
Bike isn't fixed yet, item is ordered. So the bike is still loud...
Got my headphones and am trying to finish chapter one whilr also burning some caloties. Multi-tasking it is!
#thequarry #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation #selfie
Starting #TheQuarry on #PS5 after playing it in wolf pack mode on PS4 with my friend.
Let's grab some screenshots for my small and humble blog post about it. 😊
#thequarry #ps5 #gaming #shareyourgames
OK, logged on my old but trustful #PS4 to play #TheQuarry with my friend Mel.
She'll be hosting today and I'll join her with the Wolf Pack option. 😊
Finished our first play through of the Quarry yesterday. Mel and I loved it! This is definitely not a game go be taken too seriously and it has its own set of game rules it seems. But we really had a good time. Will definitely play again. Also want to try to get more trophies. 😊 Any good guides anyone would recommend??
#thequarry #pspluspremium #shareyourgames #gaming
My friend isn't feeling too well, so no #TheQuarry this afternoon 😔.
Instead I'm riding the bike and I just popped in the Hobbit extended Bluray number 1. Let's watch some Dwarves and a Burglerhobbit. Ow and a dude with a pointy hat 😉
Played 5 hours of #TheQuarry yesterday with Mel. It was definitely different than we expected. The coop is a little less than what we were used to with #TheDarkPicturesAnthology.
Story has been good so far. We're in chapter 5. One death.
One disconnect that needed us to restart.
Or the game is *not* crossplay, not even between PS5 and PS4. Had to fire up my 4 and download 65GB to play the Wolf Pack version.
#thequarry #thedarkpicturesanthology #gaming #playstation #ps5 #shareyourgames #ps4