Cartoon lasers OH NO #TCMParty #TheQueenOfOuterSpace
#TCMParty #thequeenofouterspace
The award for least professional astronauts of all time goes to... #TCMParty #TheQueenOfOuterSpace
#TCMParty #thequeenofouterspace
Do those Forbidden Planet uniforms fit well? #TCMParty #TheQueenOfOuterSpace
#TCMParty #thequeenofouterspace
I think this is the 4th time I've seen The Queen of Outer Space. There are some things in my life I need to look at. #TCMParty #TheQueenOfOuterSpace
#TCMParty #thequeenofouterspace
Awesome show tonight folks! Going to be drawing again during #TCMUndergound late Friday night, working on new pieces inspired by Curtis Harrington's arthouse shorts, Queen of Blood andcThe Quuen of Outer Space. About time I updated my Zsa Zsa Gabor art inventory!
#tcmundergound #TCMParty #whateverhappenedtobabyjane #queenofblood #thequeenofouterspace