Hij zit nog in diverse bands oa #GooberAndThePeas nog als John Gillis en bijnaam DOC, #TheGo waarop hij enkel op het eerste album speelt, de veel te kort bestaande punkband #TwoStarTabernacle met #TraceeMayMiller.
Ondertussen is hij in 1996 getrouwd met #MegWhite, die in 1997 leert drummen, en ze richten #TheWhiteStripes op, en noemt zich #JackWhite, in 2007 stopt de band.
Ondertussen werkt Jack met andere artiesten en richt oa #TheRaconteurs en #TheDeadWeather op en werkt vanaf 2012 solo.
#gooberandthepeas #thego #twostartabernacle #traceemaymiller #megwhite #thewhitestripes #jackwhite #theraconteurs #thedeadweather
Pull This Blanket Off - #TheRaconteurs
#HashtagGames #picnicasongbookormovie #theraconteurs
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #MaryAnneHobbs
The Raconteurs:
🎵 Steady As She Goes
#nowplaying #bbc6music #MaryAnneHobbs #theraconteurs
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The Raconteurs:
🎵 Steady, As She Goes
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The Raconteurs:
🎵 Shine The Light On Me
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The Raconteurs:
🎵 Steady, As She Goes
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The Raconteurs:
🎵 Now That You're Gone
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The Raconteurs:
🎵 Steady, As She Goes
You don't understand me
But if the feeling was right you might
Comprehend me.
And why do you feel the need to tease me?
Why don't you turn it around,
It might be easier to please me.
And there's always another point of view,
A better way to do the things we do.
And how can you know me and I know you
If nothing is true?
"You Don't Understand Me"
Consolers of the Lonely
#2000s #lyrics #Music #theraconteurs
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The Raconteurs:
🎵 Steady, As She Goes
Fillmore Auditorium
Denver, CO
Spring 2008
#TheRaconteurs, #NOFX, #Pennywise & #PhilLesh
#theraconteurs #nofx #pennywise #phillesh #marqueespotting
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Now That You're Gone:
🎵 The Raconteurs
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@Michae1Webb "Carolina Drama" by #TheRaconteurs from Consolers of the Lonely.
@naigabi ¿Has escuchado a #JackWhite o alguno de sus proyectos?
🎸 #TheWhipeStripes (el más conocido)
🎸 #TheRaconteurs
🎸 #TheDeadWeather
Tambén recomiendo el proyecto paralelo de #AlexTurner de los #ArcticMonkeys:
🎸 #TheLastShadowPuppets
#jackwhite #thewhipestripes #theraconteurs #thedeadweather #alexturner #arcticmonkeys #thelastshadowpuppets
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
The Raconteurs:
🎵 Level
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#nowplaying #MiddayShow #theraconteurs
Well this makes sense.
#jackwhite #raconteurs #theraconteurs #spotifywrapped
You Don't Understand Me - The Raconteurs
#NowPlaying #Music #TheRaconteurs
#nowplaying #music #theraconteurs
#nowplaying #music #TheRaconteurs "Salute Your Solution"
#nowplaying #music #theraconteurs
The Raconteurs // #TheRaconteurs //
Level (Official Live Video 2008)
[album Broken Boy Soldiers, 2006]
//via // #ThirdManRecords //
#theraconteurs #thirdmanrecords #music #youtube