Belügt und betrügt uns die "#Politik" weiterhin?
Das #therapeutische #Potenzial von #Cannabis und #Cannabinoide:n
The #therapeutic #potential of cannabis and #cannabinoids
Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012; 109(29-30): 495-501; DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2012.0495
#Grotenhermen, Franjo; Müller-Vahl, Kirsten
#gotocourt #uneidlicheFalschaussage #befragtSIEunterEID
#Söder #Aiwanger #Scholz #Lauterbach #SPD #FDP #CSU #CDU #letztegeneration #fff
#fff #LetzteGeneration #cdu #csu #fdp #spd #lauterbach #scholz #aiwanger #Soder #befragtsieuntereid #uneidlichefalschaussage #gotocourt #grotenhermen #Cannabinoids #potential #therapeutic #cannabinoide #cannabis #potenzial #therapeutische #politik
Meharry Medical College student KeAndreya Morrison highlighted a publication with contributions from Andreas Plückthun's group that appeared in Gene Therapy and describes a novel all-in-one shock and kill method for HIV-1 therapy that shows a promising way to eliminate infected cells in a specific T-cell and HIV-1 manner.
#sbgrid #Science #Biomedicalresearch #crispr #therapeutic
#filemanagement is genuinely so goddamn #therapeutic like wdym i get to put all the silly little names in silly little folders meant specifically for them? i got an images folder but in that folder i have a folder for each and every image related extension, like .psd or .png or .jpg
i do the same with #videos too, i also have a seperate #folder that is a duplicate within this folder that is meant for all the videos that are over an hour long
i do the same with #Minecraftmodding #files #dreamjob
#filemanagement #therapeutic #videos #folder #minecraftmodding #files #dreamjob
How to defuse #catastrophic #thoughts
Do you often #fear the worst is going to happen? Use these #therapeutic techniques to think more #rationally and #calmly
#catastrophic #thoughts #fear #therapeutic #rationally #calmly
⚕️ Revolutionary Breakthrough for Slowing Down #leukaemia
Researchers from the #Luxembourg Institute of Health revealed the ground-breaking #therapeutic potential of the compound FL3 in inhibiting oncogene translation and rewiring #cancer cell metabolism, opening up new therapeutic opportunities for leukaemia patients.
Learn more on the study ➡️
#research #researchluxembourg #cancer #therapeutic #luxembourg #leukaemia
RT from Sydenham Garden (@SydenhamGarden)
Our Art and Craft groups are busy painting stones and placing them in our therapeutic garden. We love finding these treasures amongst the wide array of plants, helping us identify what's growing 🌱🎨 #art #therapeutic follow us to see more! #charity
Original tweet:
Mindfulness and Awareness in End-of-Life Care
An 8-week online training for professionals and trained volunteers currently serving in end-of-life care or interested in entering this field.
#meditation #mindfulness #endoflife #palliativecare #death #deathanddying
#authenticpresence #contemplation #selfcare #selflove #socialwork #therapeutic
#meditation #mindfulness #EndofLife #palliativecare #death #Deathanddying #authenticpresence #contemplation #selfcare #selflove #SocialWork #therapeutic
This cutting edge #science is so incredibly cool and promising - hacking #protein building to create novel on-off switches, to create stronger, covalent bonding to improve #therapeutic potency, or altering #expression of #insulin to help control blood glucose in #diabetes
#Research #innovation #Nature #diabetes #insulin #expression #therapeutic #protein #Science
Team @HZDR sees potential in new #therapeutic approach for curing neurodegenerative diseases which could reactivate damaged motor #neurons using magnetic fields, as reported in the journal Cells.
#ALS #thaxonian
#therapeutic #neurons #als #thaxonian
OUCH!!!! How do i get out of this #procrastination #mode?
I ran "wc -l" on the dir where i for the last 2-3 years _try_ to place my #therapeutic #supercollider code. The result was a whopping 59857 lines of poorly formatted code. I really have to get my sh*t together and _finish_ something soon.
#procrastination #mode #therapeutic #supercollider
Das #therapeutische #Potenzial von #Cannabis und #Cannabinoiden
The #therapeutic #potential of cannabis and #cannabinoids
Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012; 109(29-30): 495-501; DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2012.0495
Grotenhermen, Franjo; Müller-Vahl, Kirsten
#weedmob #fff #hanf #hemp #medizin #Evidenz #Endocannabiniode #heilpflanze #heilwirkung #anslinger #antipro #rassismus
als #PDF
#pdf #rassismus #AntiPro #anslinger #Heilwirkung #heilpflanze #endocannabiniode #evidenz #medizin #hemp #hanf #fff #WeedMob #Cannabinoids #potential #therapeutic #Cannabinoiden #cannabis #potenzial #therapeutische
A Potent Recombinant Polyclonal #Antibody #Therapeutic for Protection Against New #SARS-CoV-2 #VOC,
#antibody #therapeutic #sars #VOC
We were having a tough morning, with lots of big emotions from both children. Jon took Jake to football this morning and I took Zoe on a walk. She ran into a field, doing a primal scream, flossed for a bit 💃🏼 then chased a crow, caw-ing loudly. It looked therapeutic! 😂 We played in a park, tried out some exercise equipment, ran around a bit more, then sat down to read our books for a bit.
#playtherapy #therapeuticparenting #playfulparenting #outdoorplay #therapeutic #naturetherapy #books
#playtherapy #therapeuticparenting #playfulparenting #outdoorplay #therapeutic #naturetherapy #books
@LTO von 2016 das #Cannabis:#Wissen [für Herrn #Lauterbach]
Keywords: 5HT1A receptor; #Cannabidiol; #Endocannabinoids; #Neuropsychiatricdisorders; #Oxidativestress; PPAR-γ #receptor.
Multiple mechanisms involved in the large-spectrum #therapeutic #potential of #cannabidiol in #psychiatricdisorders #healing
Inklusion ohne wenn und aber! @RaulKrauthausen/110094901732991366
#Cannabinoids as #antioxidants and #neuroprotectants
#AUFGEHTS! 😃 #Weedmob
#WeedMob #aufgehts #neuroprotectants #Antioxidants #Cannabinoids #healing #psychiatricdisorders #potential #therapeutic #receptor #oxidativestress #neuropsychiatricdisorders #endocannabinoids #cannabidiol #lauterbach #wissen #cannabis
@LTO von 2016 das Wissen [für Herrn #Lauterbach]
Keywords: 5HT1A receptor; #Cannabidiol; #Endocannabinoids; #Neuropsychiatricdisorders; #Oxidativestress; PPAR-γ #receptor.
Multiple mechanisms involved in the large-spectrum #therapeutic #potential of #cannabidiol in psychiatric disorders
Cannabidiol: Recent advances and new insights for neuropsychiatric disorders treatment.
Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants
#potential #therapeutic #receptor #oxidativestress #neuropsychiatricdisorders #endocannabinoids #cannabidiol #lauterbach
I'm writing a diary on gardening and doing research on herbs I will plant.
A lot of herbs help to protect vegetables from pest and improve their taste and growth.
Sage is one of those plants 😊
My husband and I both have books on herbs which will help us not only grow them but use them in our everyday life.
A lot of these plants are found growing in meadows bit people forgot how useful they are.
#herbs #growing #gardening #therapeutic #sage #SalviaOfficinalis
#herbs #growing #gardening #therapeutic #sage #salviaofficinalis
@Phoenixrisen82 @saaski @adelinej This reminds me so much of the “#behavior reports” I get from my son’s classroom. If it quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck… I expect better from “#professionals” who claim to offer a “#therapeutic” environment.
The only good news is that my son is also quickly learning to #SelfAdvocate, at 9, and I’m cheering him on, both to him and to school admin. This boy will speak up for himself. So stop #ABA’ing him. #ActuallyAutistic
#behavior #professionals #therapeutic #selfadvocate #aba #actuallyautistic
Scientists regard sorghum as a potential #therapeutic agent against #atherosclerosis