Beaverton: Study: Being hated by Piers Morgan, Jordan Peterson et al. most likeable thing about Justin Trudeau #satire #canada #commentary #JordanPeterson #justintrudeau #FeaturedPost #JagmeetSingh #Oppenheimer #PiersMorgan #BenShapiro #National #TheRebel #FoxNews #Barbie
#satire #Canada #commentary #jordanpeterson #justintrudeau #FeaturedPost #jagmeetsingh #Oppenheimer #piersmorgan #benshapiro #national #therebel #foxnews #barbie
@RebelNewsOnline How can one assault a veneraial deisease.
Meanwhile, lil #EzraLevant will be begging for mortgage money again after Dominion gets through with him.
#TheRebel: we beg incessantly for your money.
#ezralevant #therebel #aberta #ableg #abpoli #onpoli #cdnpoli #racistrag
@RebelNewsOnline @ezralevant #Breitbart wannabe #EzraLevant, who publishes racist screeds in #TheRebel now promotes violence in America because his idol was caught committing crimes.
I wonder how much they will be on the hook for in the Dominion case? Not looking good for them, will lil Ezra be begging for mortgage money, again?
#SheilaGuntReid #EzraLevant
#Alberta #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #onpoli
#breitbart #ezralevant #therebel #sheilaguntreid #alberta #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #onpoli
@RebelNewsOnline Yet the Rebel entertainment rag publishes hit pieces on private citizens in the hopes of riling up their known violent audience.
#EzraLevant #EzraLevantViolentRacist #SheilaGuntReid #TheRebel
#ableg #abpoli #canpoli
#ezralevant #ezralevantviolentracist #sheilaguntreid #therebel #ableg #abpoli #canpoli
The part of The Rebel where Albert Camus talks about not humiliating anyone and demanding the same freedoms for all, it made me think of Free Software. Now with the work of Kate Raworth and others on Planetary Boundaries, Camus work with "limit" and the "a just limit" wording is taking on new meaning.
#AlbertCamus #AJustLimit #TheRebel #Freedom
#freedom #therebel #AJustLimit #albertcamus
> To talk of despair is to conquer it. Despairing literature is a contradiction in terms.
#TheRebel #LiteratureOfDespair #DespairingLiterature
#DespairingLiterature #LiteratureOfDespair #therebel
#AlbertCamus (one quote for this evening)
I enjoy when he references “authentic freedom”
Reading this chapter:
“State Terrorism and Irrational Terror”
“All modern revolutions have ended in a reinforcement of the power of the State. 1789 brings Napoleon; 1848, Napoleon III; 1917, Stalin; the Italian disturbances of the twenties, Mussolini; the Weimar Republic, Hitler. These revolutions, particularly after the First World War had liquidated the vestiges of divine right, still proposed, with increasing audacity, to build the city of humanity and of authentic freedom. The growing omnipotence of the State sanctioned this ambition on each occasion. It would be erroneous to say that this was bound to happen. But it is possible to examine how it did happen; and perhaps the lesson will follow.
Apart from a few explanations that are not the subject of this essay, the strange and terrifying growth of the modern State can be considered as the logical conclusion of inordinate technical and philosophical ambitions, foreign to the true spirit of rebellion, but which nevertheless gave birth to the revolutionary spirit of our time.” #TheRebel
#books #nonfiction
Hello old friend #TheRebel #AlbertCamus (I’m obsessed with this book). #rereading portions.
#books #nonfiction #therebel #albertcamus #Rereading
> #TheRebel.. demands.. freedom for himself; but in no case.. does he demand the right to destroy the existence and the freedom of others.
He humiliates no one.
The freedom he claims, he claims for all;
the freedom he refuses, he forbids everyone to enjoy. He is not only the
slave against the master, but also
man against the world of master and slave..
thanks to #rebellion, there is something more in history than the
relation between mastery and servitude.
#empire #camus #rebellion #therebel
> If, on the other hand, #rebellion could found a philosophy it would be a #PhilosophyOfLimits, of calculated ignorance, and of risk. He who does not know everything cannot kill everything. The rebel, far from making an absolute of history, rejects and disputes it, in the name of a concept that he has of his own nature. He refuses his condition, and his condition to a large extent is historical. Injustice, the transcience of time, death..
#Camus, #AlbertCamus on #Limits in #TheRebel
#therebel #limits #albertcamus #camus #PhilosophyOfLimits #rebellion
> Absolute freedom is the right of the strongest to dominate.
#Camus #AlbertCamus in #TheRebel keeps coming to mind while reading The #GreatDerangement by #AmitavGhosh The last parts comparing the #ParisAgreement and #FreeTrade, #NeoLiberal bureaucracies keep driving me toward the last parts of The Rebel.
#neoliberal #freetrade #parisagreement #AmitavGhosh #GreatDerangement #therebel #albertcamus #camus
> The rebel..demands a certain degree of freedom for himself; but in no case, if he is consistent, does he demand the right to destroy..the freedom of others.
He humiliates no one. The freedom he claims, he claims for all
..the freedom he refuses, he forbids everyone to enjoy.
He is not only the slave against the master, but also man against the world of master and slave...
there is something more in history than the relation between mastery and servitude.
#Camus #AlbertCamus #TheRebel
#Camus, #AlbertCamus in #TheRebel talks about the need for moderation, a self-imposed #limit The Ancient Greek #Nemesis was limits. Go beyond your limits and bad things happen: hangovers, pollution,wars, nuclear catastarophes..
This book, with #MythOfSisyphus, works like a secular bible, when someone need a little help, some clear thought to avoid doing something awful, stupid: to avoid going beyond reasonable limits, good sense... #HerbertRead seems interesting too.
#herbertread #MythOfSisyphus #nemesis #limit #therebel #albertcamus #camus
' The rebel undoubtedly demands a certain degree of freedom for himself; but in no case, if he is consistent, does he demand the right to destroy the existence and the freedom of others.
He #humiliates no one. The freedom he claims, he #claims for all;
the #freedom he refuses, he forbids everyone to enjoy.
He is not only the #slave against the #master, but also man #AgainstTheWorld of #MasterAnd Slave. '
#Camus in #TheRebel
It's good that git is using #main now, HD naming irritates too.
#main #therebel #camus #MasterAnd #AgainstTheWorld #master #slave #freedom #claims #humiliates
' The mutual understanding and communication discovered by #rebellion can survive only in the free exchange of conversation. Every ambiguity, every misunderstanding, leads to death; #ClearLanguage and #SimpleWords are the only #salvation from this death[1]... .. the language ...[of] #totalitarian doctrines is always: a #scholastic or #administrative language. ' #Camus #AlbertCamus in #TheRebel so if #WarIsALie a #Lie is even worse than the #ambiguity and #misunderstanding that leads to #death.
#death #misunderstanding #ambiguity #lie #WarIsALie #therebel #albertcamus #camus #administrative #scholastic #totalitarian #salvation #simplewords #ClearLanguage #rebellion
' #Heraclitus , the discoverer of the constant change of things, nevertheless set a limit to this perpetual process. This limit was symbolized by Nemesis, the goddess of #moderation and the implacable enemy of the #immoderate. A process of thought which wanted to take into account the contemporary contradictions of #rebellion should seek its inspiration from this #goddess .''
#Nemesis is #limit , the #goddess of #moderation #Camus #therebel
#therebel #camus #limit #nemesis #goddess #rebellion #immoderate #moderation #Heraclitus
'All may indeed live again, side by side with the martyrs of 1905, but on condition that it is understood that they correct one another, and that a limit, under the sun, shall curb them all. Each tells the other that he is not God; this is the end of romanticism.' #Camus in #therebel
> It is worth noting that the language peculiar to totalitarian doctrines is always: a #scholastic or #administrative language.
--- Albert #Camus in #therebel
#bureaucraticLanguage #totalitarianism #writing #style
#style #writing #totalitarianism #bureaucraticLanguage #therebel #camus #administrative #scholastic
I think about these patterns since I read of them in Camus's _The Rebel_ . We have two ways of thinking, the Don Quijote way and the La Palice way... "... he would not lose his temper unless he was enraged..."
#LaPalice #logic #AlbertCamus #TheRebel
#logic #therebel #albertcamus #lapalice