Watching #TheRedSleeve If you like period pieces (like The Kings Affection), you’ll like this too. Palace intrigue, romance, comedy #kdrama
Let’s do a proper introduction! First, for my love for Korean entertainment and #Kdrama! I love #YookSungjae #KimSeonho #ParkBogum #LeeJunho #SongJihyo #ChaEunwoo and #LeeSangyi. I also like #SongHyekyo and #SongJoongki. I love #HometownChachacha #Goblin #DescendantsOfTheSun #TheRedSleeve #RunningMan #2D1N. I watch a lot of Korean variety shows and #Kdramas. I’ll probably be posting a lot of Kim Seonho content here. :)
#kdrama #yooksungjae #kimseonho #parkbogum #leejunho #songjihyo #chaeunwoo #leesangyi #songhyekyo #songjoongki #hometownchachacha #goblin #descendantsofthesun #theredsleeve #runningman #2d1n #kdramas