This afternoon at 3:15pm I'll be debuting my newest video essay at #SCMS23 in C23, “It Was a Work of Art, and it Was Just Real Life: Watching #TheRehearsal” - come check it out!
The Rehearsal with Nathan Fielder is weird, hilarious and hard to describe. I loved it and now am going backwards. I may be a decade late on it, but Dumb Starbucks is hilarious.
Today I finished a draft of my latest video essay about #TheRehearsal - as befits the topic, it's... a trip. I'll debut it at #SCMS23 next Wednesday - should be an interesting panel!
Earlier today, I tooted my support for Nathan Fielder for president.
Nathan graduated from one of Canada's top business schools with really good grades.
Which reminds me, he’s not a natural born American citizen, which could pose a problem.
But he is resourceful and can find a way around that. For example he can legally run a campaign for president of “Dumb America” by taking advantage of US parody laws.
#nathanfielder #nathanforyou #therehearsal
Que maravilla #therehearsal … que manera de explicar el sistema social de parsons y la crisis emocional de la actualidad
#BenWasserstein has signed an exclusive first-look deal with #RichardPlepler's Eden Productions, where he will develop new film and TV projects for #AppleTVPlus.
Wasserstein previously worked under Plepler at HBO, where he worked on series including #Barry, #TheRehearsal, #SomebodySomewhere, #LosEspookys, #Veep, #CurbYourEnthusiasm and more.
#CurbYourEnthusiasm #VEEP #losespookys #somebodysomewhere #therehearsal #barry #appletvplus #richardplepler #benwasserstein
Despite its heavy themes, THE REHEARSAL is the best show I’ve seen in… a decade at least. Incredible stuff through and through. #offtopic #tvshow #therehearsal
#therehearsal #tvshow #offtopic
Binge watching The Rehearsal when I’ve worked at a Synagogue, a Jewish Day School and as a Catholic School teacher I had a lot of thoughts. #TheRehearsal
Maar dat zijn toch allemaal acteurs in #TheRehearsal? Dat kan toch niet dat die Angela echt is?
Omfg this just broke my brain. My head was spinning after just one episode. #TheRehearsal is either sick or genius, but just.... wow. Stuart Heritage sums it up a lot better than I could. #hbomax
Having enjoyed #TheRehearsal I've gone back and started watching #NathanForYou for the first time. I'm five episodes in and it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. The fake dating show had me rolling.
#television #nathanforyou #therehearsal
This show is freaking me out so much and i'm definitely going to watch all of it in one night. #TheRehearsal
i just started #TheRehearsal i'm like 5 minutes in and this excessive preplanning is making me even MORE anxious as a socially anxious person because you can rehearse it but what if it doesnt go like your rehearsal and it throws you off even more!
(i think this show is cool it's just terrifying to me)
Ieri ho iniziato la serie "The Rehearsal".
Sono al 4° episodio su 6 ed é difficile capire dove inizi l'esperimento e finisca la commedia, però sicuramente é una delle serie più originali che abbia mai visto.
#tvseries #serietv #therehearsal #tv #tvshow #documentary #comedy #monday #lunedi #december #dicembere #5dicembre #5december
#tvseries #serietv #therehearsal #tv #tvshow #documentary #comedy #monday #lunedi #december #dicembere #5dicembre #5december
Watched the first two episodes of #TheRehearsal last night…my god? Nathan For You with a blank cheque. It’s astonishing so far.
I watched the first episode of HBO's #TheRehearsal and was totally creeped out by it. Thought all night about how this is what all reality TV is. (Why do so many people like it so much?) This is what our reality TV president was staging for 4 years! Just one reason why I find him and his cult so horrifying.
Heute neu: The Rehearsal bei Sky Comedy #TheRehearsal #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #therehearsal