"#Twitter has removed a [#ThereIsHelp] feature in the past few days that promoted suicide prevention hotlines and other safety resources to users looking up certain content, according to two people familiar with the matter, who said it was ordered by new owner #ElonMusk."
#twitter #thereishelp #ElonMusk
Твіттер відновив функцію запобігання самогубствам
Функція #ThereIsHelp була тимчасово скасована 23 грудня. Користувачі нововведення не оцінили.
#ThereIsHelp: Twitter entfernt Hinweise auf Hilfehotlines - Golem.de
Eine Plattform zum vergessen. Mein Account ruht weiterhin ohne Follows. Das ist die teuerste Art für das Unternehmen!
The holiday season is a really tough one for many people. I have a friend who lost both her parents to COVID. She talks about how tough it is when seeing everyone's festive family photos on social media.
In the days leading up to Christmas, Twitter removed the #ThereIsHelp feature. This is part of a continued pattern by Elno to radicalize the platform. Really feels like the Internet has been backsliding on the progress that's been made in the past few years.
Twitter herstelt zelfmoordpreventiefunctie #ThereIsHelp na kritiek https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2022/12/25/twitter-herstelt-zelfmoordpreventiefunctie-thereishelp-na-kriti/?t=1671990076487 #vrtnws
"Just days before Christmas, Twitter disabled a feature that displayed suicide prevention and other safety resources in response to user searches for content on certain topics. After outcry by consumer safety groups and Twitter users, the function has been restored.
The feature was identified by the hashtag #ThereIsHelp and would provide information at the top of search results whenever a Twitter user looked up topics that included suicide,"
#thereishelp #twitter #twittermigration #twitterpurge #elonmusk
RT @didikins4life@twitter.com
#ThereIsHelp saves lives. To the #MuskOx this is obviously a moot point. Maybe if he made a profit on every human helped. There is no end to this man’s clueless f***ery>>
Elon Musk ‘orders Twitter to remove suicide prevention feature’ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/23/elon-musk-orders-twitter-to-remove-suicide-prevention-feature
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/didikins4life/status/1606461479099793410
Good. But they are so confused.
"Twitter restores suicide prevention feature:
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/24/twitter-restores-suicide-prevention-feature #ThereIsHelp #Musk
Oh, no no no.
Elon Musk ‘orders Twitter to remove suicide prevention feature’
Sources say new owner sought removal of #ThereIsHelp feature that appeared at top of certain searches
RT @RVAwonk@twitter.com
Twitter has restored its “#ThereIsHelp” suicide prevention feature after Reuters reported on its removal yesterday.
Twitter removes life-saving feature then restores it following criticism
Reuters reported yesterday that Twitter had removed a feature known as #ThereisHelp that promoted hotlines for suicide prevention, mental health support, organizations that fight child sexual exploitation and more.New head of Trust and Safety at Twitter, Ella Irwin, told the news agency that they had been removed because those at the platform "just want to make sure they are functioning properly and continue to be relevant."The sources with knowledge of Musk's decision to order the removal of the feature declined to be named because they feared retaliation. One of them said millions of people had encountered #ThereIsHelp messages.Despite Irwin claiming that it wouldn't return until next week, the feature was apparentlhttps://twitterisgoinggreat.com/#twitter-removes-life-saving-feature-then-restores-it-following-criticism
Twitter restores suicide prevention feature - Move follows criticism of Elon Musk after #ThereIsHelp feature disappeared from searchesTwitter has restored a feature that promoted suicide prevention hotlines and support groups after its CEO Elon Musk was criticised over their removal.The feature, known as #ThereIsHelp, placed a banner at the top of search results for certain... #twitter #theguardian
#thereishelp #twitter #theguardian
Twitter's suicide prevention feature restored hours after it went mising #Twitter #Thereishelp https://www.neowin.net/news/twitters-suicide-prevention-feature-restored-hours-after-it-went-mising/
Twitter restores #ThereIsHelp suicide prevention feature following pressure from campaign groups, report says https://l.smartnews.com/88BAA/XkJaaj
Die Feiertage können sch***e sein. Denkt daran, dass niemand verpflichtet ist, fröhlich zu sein. Macht, was Euch gut tut, und nicht, was andere von Euch erwarten. Und holt Euch Hilfe, wenn Uhr sie benötigt.
Die Feiertage können sch***e sein. Denkt daran, dass niemand verpflichtet ist, fröhlich zu sein. Macht, was Euch gut tut, und nicht, was andere von Euch erwarten. Und holt Euch Hilfe, wenn Uhr sie benötigt.
What kind of monster would do this? Elon Musk quietly ordered the removal of Twitter's #ThereIsHelp suicide prevention feature, report says | Business Insider https://www.businessinsider.co.za/elon-musk-ordered-removal-of-twitter-suicide-prevention-feature-report-2022-12
:twitter: #ThereIsHelp, another Reuters fake news attack against Twitter2.0! :verified_maybe:
⚰️ Why should Twitter2.0 operate such a prevention feature at all? Such things only cost time and money and pull everyone down. If you have suicidal thoughts, you should rather go partying with your friends! :verified_not_cool:
#riptwitter #elonmusk #misinformation #HateSpeech #thereishelp
#ThereIsHelp: Twitter entfernt Hinweise auf Hilfehotlines
Elon Musk soll das Entfernen einer Sicherheitsfunktion bei Twitter veranlasst haben. Eine leitende Mitarbeiten sagt, die Funktion sei nur vorübergehend nicht erreichbar. (Twitter, Soziales Netz)
Quelle: Golem.de
(Sa. 24.12.2022 13:26)
edv-nachrichten.de | Wissenswertes rund um die EDV
#IMHO Its interesting to see who helped #tyrant #sociopath #Elon "free speech" #Musk to acquire #twitter
When it comes to #humanrights the #hate #lies platform has moved back to #barbaric times.
And who are his investors?
One of them is Jack #Dorsey who reportedly lamented that the company was “owned” by #WallStreet #Saudis #Qatar #qatar2022
The erratic behaviour of the #billionaire Musk has erased 40% of the value of the platform making his #Rightwing investors very "happy" .
And now his next step is the removal of the #suicide prevention feature.
Does Elon want to commit suicide and not be warned?
#ThereIsHelp changed to #ThereIsNoHelp?
#TwitterMigration #RIPtwitter #animalcruelty #Neuralink #Tesla #Congo #Africa #childlabor #slaves
#imho #tyrant #sociopath #elon #musk #twitter #HumanRights #hate #lies #barbaric #dorsey #wallstreet #saudis #qatar #qatar2022 #billionaire #rightwing #suicide #thereishelp #thereisnohelp #TwitterMigration #riptwitter #animalcruelty #neuralink #tesla #congo #africa #ChildLabor #slaves #censorship #blackmail #journalists #journalism #freepress