#NowPlaying #TheReplacements This cello version of “Can’t Hardly Wait” for the upcoming “Tim: Let it Bleed” box set is lovely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuBauUXU4i8
This newly-released cello version of "Can't Hardly Wait" is a gift. Happy Friday. https://www.stereogum.com/2234290/hear-the-replacements-previously-unreleased-cello-version-of-cant-hardly-wait-from-new-tim-box-set/music/ #TheReplacements
The Replacements’ ‘Tim’ Will Be Expanded Into ‘Let It Bleed’ Box Set
#music #punk #punkrock #collegerock #AltRock #thereplacements
#thereplacements #AltRock #collegerock #punkrock #punk #music
True fanfic energy for Paul Westerberg to just write a song about how much he loves Alex Chilton. #TheReplacements #indierock #music
#music #indierock #thereplacements
For my money, Alex Chilton by #TheReplacements is near the top of what you can expect from a song. No matter what is happening in my life, that song never ceases to change how I feel.
Though dismissed at the time, "The Replacements" has gained cult credibility over the years as a favorite among football movies. Keanu Reeves told us he strove to look like he belonged on the field.
#KeanuReeves #TheReplacements #CultClassic #CultFollowing #movies #MovieNews #Football #celebrity #celebritynews #enetertainment #EntertainmentNews
#keanureeves #thereplacements #cultclassic #cultfollowing #movies #movienews #football #celebrity #celebritynews #enetertainment #entertainmentnews
The Replacements’ “Tim” to receive box-set reissue this fall, Tommy Stinson says
#thereplacements #collegerock #punkrock #punk #music
40 years ago today, The Replacements released their second studio album, Hootenanny (1983). #TheReplacements #80s #80smusic #collegerock #alternativerock #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #alternativerock #collegerock #80smusic #80s #thereplacements
The Replacements' "Pleased To Meet Me" released this day in 1987.
#TheReplacements #PleasedToMeetMe #VintageVinyl
#thereplacements #pleasedtomeetme #vintagevinyl
Bravo for the end credits needle drop in episode three of #RainDogs: "Little Mascara" by #TheReplacements.
#raindogs #thereplacements #tv #themats #amwatching #genxers
#EclecticCarnival #ECPL20230422 7 #EarthDay
Face Of The Earth - #JoelPlaskett [Cdn]
BC https://joelplaskett.bandcamp.com/track/face-of-the-earth
YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0kRvkV4p3c
We'll Inherit The Earth - #TheReplacements
On Earth - #TheSundays
Collapse The Light Into Earth - #PorcupineTree
Not Of This Earth - #UrbanSurfKings [Cdn]
BC https://reverbranch.bandcamp.com/track/not-of-this-earth
YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pm0LtHwf_E
#urbansurfkings #porcupinetree #TheSundays #thereplacements #joelplaskett #EarthDay #ecpl20230422 #eclecticcarnival
¿Has hecho el experimento de escuchar una banda de forma rígida y organizada?. El experimento lo hizo uno de nuestro colaboradores con #TheReplacements y este fue el resultado: https://www.nacionrock.com/28-horas-escuchando-the-replacements/
#TwitTV Podcasts (Available via the streaming/mobile apps, YouTube or website) -
a. #ThisWeekInTech #919: https://youtu.be/dUuece3-G4k
b. #TechNews Weekly #278: https://youtu.be/FNVHT-kv91k
#RidiculousRock #RecordReviews Podcast - Episode 265 - #TheReplacements - Pleased To Meet Me: https://player.fm/series/ridiculous-rock-record-reviews/episode-265-the-replacements-pleased-to-meet-me
The #EddieTrunk Podcast - Interview with #BillyFGibbons: https://player.fm/series/the-eddie-trunk-podcast-59879/billy-f-gibbons
(3 of 4)
#BillyFGibbons #eddietrunk #thereplacements #recordreviews #ridiculousrock #TechNews #thisweekintech #twittv
This is the 7th of 7 #GeneHackman movie polls.
#genehackman #thereplacements #postcardsfromtheedge #fullmooninbluewater #theposeidonadventure #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
I also hate "The Ledge" by the Replacements and of course many a Replacements fan says "What the FUCK is wrong with you I love "The Ledge" but I'd rather hear "All He Wants To Do Is Fish" than "The Ledge". Westerberg writing for the critics blah. #Blasphemy #TheReplacements
My favorite band of all time is The Replacements and I love them for lots of reasons but one among them is the song Androgynous, this song came out in 1984 a time with rock n roll was hyper masculine and Westerberg wrote this song that is actually more relevant today. God love the Mats #TheReplacements #westerberg #androgynous #transrights #trans #gender #saturday
#thereplacements #westerberg #androgynous #transrights #trans #gender #saturday