Microsoft: Most-Imitated Brand for Phishing Emails - The shift to remote working spurred Microsoft and Amazon to the top of the heap for cybercriminals... #mostrecentthreatlists #brandimpersonation #mobilesecurity #brandphishing #remoteworking #thirdquarter #websecurity #checkpoint #microsoft #thereport #covid-19 #pandemic #phishing #amazon #email
#email #amazon #phishing #pandemic #covid #thereport #microsoft #checkpoint #websecurity #thirdquarter #remoteworking #brandphishing #mobilesecurity #brandimpersonation #mostrecentthreatlists
Industrial Cyberattacks Get Rarer but More Complex - The first half of 2020 saw decreases in attacks on most ICS sectors, but oil/gas firms and buildin... #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #mostrecentthreatlists #remotedesktopprotocol #buildingautomation #firsthalf2020 #remoteworking #attackvolume #cyberattacks #workfromhome #ransomware #kaspersky #thereport #covid-19 #malware #worms #iot #gas #oil
#oil #gas #iot #worms #malware #covid #thereport #kaspersky #ransomware #workfromhome #cyberattacks #attackvolume #remoteworking #firsthalf2020 #buildingautomation #remotedesktopprotocol #mostrecentthreatlists #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
BEC Wire Transfers Average $80K Per Attack - That number represents a big uptick over Q1. #anti-phishingworkinggroup #averagetransactionamounts #businessemailcompromise #mostrecentthreatlists #websecurity #cosmiclynx #giftcards #thereport #phishing #q22020 #hacks #apwg #bec
#bec #apwg #hacks #q22020 #phishing #thereport #giftcards #cosmiclynx #websecurity #mostrecentthreatlists #businessemailcompromise #averagetransactionamounts #anti
DMARC Adoption Spikes, Higher Ed Remains Behind - As colleges and universities prepare for the fall semester, email protections against surging thre... more: #businessemailcompromise #mostrecentthreatlists #cloudsecurity #emailsecurity #emailthreats #universities #websecurity #thereport #verticals #adoption #colleges #highered #valimail #tession #dmarc #fraud #bec
#bec #fraud #dmarc #tession #valimail #highered #colleges #adoption #verticals #thereport #websecurity #universities #emailthreats #emailsecurity #cloudsecurity #mostrecentthreatlists #businessemailcompromise
Remote Workers Pose New Security Risks - Organizations sent workers home during COVID-19 lockdown without adequate security preparation. more: #personallyidentifiableinformation #morningconsult #mobiledevices #remoteworkers #stay-at-home #websecurity #ibmsecurity #passwords #thereport #covid-19 #lockdown #pandemic #security #laptops #pii
#pii #laptops #security #pandemic #lockdown #covid #thereport #passwords #ibmsecurity #websecurity #stay #remoteworkers #mobiledevices #morningconsult #personallyidentifiableinformation
70 Percent of Mobile, Desktop Apps Contain Open-Source Bugs - A lack of awareness about where and how open-source libraries are being used is problematic, resea... more: #securityvulnerabilities #mostrecentthreatlists #percentageofapps #vulnerabilities #mobilesecurity #appsecurity #opensource #codereuse #libraries #thereport #veracode #bugs #iot
#iot #bugs #veracode #thereport #libraries #codereuse #opensource #appsecurity #mobilesecurity #vulnerabilities #percentageofapps #mostrecentthreatlists #securityvulnerabilities
ThreatList: Human-Mimicking Bots Spike, Targeting e-Commerce and Travel - Overall bot activity on the web has soared, with a 26 percent growth rate -- attacks on applicatio... more: #mostrecentthreatlists #detectionevasion #trafficanalysis #webapplications #sophistication #topverticals #websecurity #e-commerce #threatlist #thereport #analysis #research #attacks #radware #badbot #growth #bots
#bots #growth #badbot #radware #attacks #research #analysis #thereport #threatlist #e #websecurity #topverticals #sophistication #webapplications #trafficanalysis #detectionevasion #mostrecentthreatlists
Nation-State Attacks Drop in Latest Google Analysis - Phishing and zero-days continue to be a core part of the APT arsenal. more: #nation-stateattacks #vulnerabilities #websecurity #government #thereport #analysis #phishing #zerodays #google #hacks #apt
#apt #hacks #google #zerodays #phishing #analysis #thereport #government #websecurity #vulnerabilities #nation