Currently listening to this #podcast and it is absolutely WILD what these women went thru and how Yale Medical failed them.
#TheRetrievals #Serial #TrueCrime
#podcast #theretrievals #serial #truecrime
I’ve got only good things to say about #serial’s new #podcast #TheRetrievals. Clear, concise journalism, lots of human voices that deserve to be heard and all told in a thought provoking way. Every episode adds another point to consider or another layer of unfair treatment, malpractice or ignorance. Gonna stay with me for a long time.
#theretrievals #Podcast #serial
If you haven’t already, listen to this season of #Serial #TheRetrievals. It is a painful, disturbing listen, but absolutely essential for so many reasons.
„The Retrievals“ berichtet von Frauen mit Kinderwunsch, die in einer Fruchtbarkeitsklinik in den USA eine traumatisierende Behandlung erleben.
#Fentanyl #PodcastEmpfehlung #PodcastTipp #SerialProductions #TheRetrievals #TrueCrime #USA #DerPodcastPodcast
#fentanyl #podcastempfehlung #podcasttipp #serialproductions #theretrievals #truecrime #usa #derpodcastpodcast
A neat blogpost by Cory Doctorow @pluralistic about #TheRetrievals, systemic security, and the question: secure from what?
"If the pain medication management system was designed to manage pain, then these thefts would have been discovered early on. If the system was designed so that anyone who experienced pain was treated until the pain was under control, the deception would have been uncovered almost immediately."
Another great episode of #TheRetrievals on Serial, about women forced to go through IVF egg retrievals without anesthesia. It's starting to remind me of HBO's docudrama on Chernobyl in that it identifies a cultural structure that prevents institutions from operating humanely -- in Chernobyl, it was an insistence on hierarchy. In the US (represented by the health care system), it's a deep denial about the types and intensities of pain that contemporary American culture enables (1/2).
Wo ist hier die Herde, mit der ich zu #theretrievals #serial schwärm-tröten kann? #Podcast #highlight
#highlight #Podcast #serial #theretrievals