Oh dear. I just made the mistake of wandering into a folder in my written documents described as "Creative Endeavours".
Some of it is just my unique brand of weirdness working its way into the world before microblogging was really a thing.
Silly thoughts like:
• "You don't have to be a ninja to be a bastard".
• "He drowned in a sea of his own metaphors."
Other stuff is eggy AF 😅 :TransHeart:
Query for anyone under the broad trans umbrella (ella, ella, ay, ay)
Before you hatched / your egg cracked, which video game characters did you get gender envy / jealousy from without realising it at the time?
E.g., I absolutely adored the look & voice of Princess Rhianne Burke (voiced by Kirsten Potter) in Supreme Commander
#ThereWereNoSigns #egg #trans #transgender #NonBinary #agender #bigender #genderfluid #genderqueer #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+ #queer
#therewerenosigns #egg #trans #transgender #nonbinary #agender #bigender #genderfluid #genderqueer #lgbtq #lgbtqia #queer
Oh, you also enjoy(ed) reading webcomics like Misfile where the main protagonist was transformed into a different gender?
When did you realise you were trans too? :TransHeart:
#ThereWereNoSigns #trans #transgender #transition #agender #BiGender #genderfluid #genderqueer #NonBinary #2Spirit #queer #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+
#therewerenosigns #trans #transgender #transition #agender #bigender #genderfluid #genderqueer #nonbinary #2spirit #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia
@exelia_antonov Did you ever read Girly, by any chance?
I loved that comic. It was incredibly zanny & sapphic.
& also the creator came out as trans herself a few years back 😅
@exelia_antonov In 2005, for my creative writing dissertation, I wrote a short story about a woman who was writing a story about a guy who shared my deadname.
In the story, that character was described by a writing critic within the story as unbelievable.
I was basically calling my deadname self a fiction.
& I still didn't realise I was trans.
#therewerenosigns #stillcistho
There's surely no meaning at all behind having like every peice of fanart of Ash Ketchum crossdressing in existence, and especially ones of Ash enjoying life while doing it, is there, pre-2022 me? :blobcatsmug:
Random trans egg memory:
On multiple occasions I joked with friends that penises should be plug-n-play, only attaching them when you need them for sex.
But nobody else found that funny, and I didn't stop to ask why.
@imdat To add to the #ThereWereNoSigns vibe, at university I was a huge fan of Angela Carter's novel, including "The Passion Of New Eve", in which the protagonist (a man) is turned into a woman against their will. Such was the extent of the transformation, that they were able to conceive children.
In my creative writing dissertation, I wrote myself as the main protagonist... who was a woman, writing about a fictional man with my deadname 😅
Found this on FB.
Should being a huge fan of X-Men count as #ThereWereNoSigns? 😅
Just remembered I went through a phase in my mid-teens, of writing all my school notes in bright pink ink #therewerenosigns
@imdat Yay for enby joy 🥰
Before I came out, I used to love it when my wife referred to my own "delicate bird wrists" or how soft my skin always was.
Of course, #ThereWereNoSigns at all for me 😅 :TransFemHeart:
@DimestoreDiamond I’ve had some strong opinions on gendered bathrooms for basically as long as I can’t remember #ThereWereNoSigns
@courtney I always hated that stuff too. I used to call it my “prison outfit” #ThereWereNoSigns
But you look so cute now, Courtney! Quite the glow up! 🤩
The totally cis male urge to do that quest in RuneScape where the makeover mage turns you into a girl, then stay that way for reasons you tell yourself like:
• The armour is cheaper.
• I like the aesthetic choices more.
• It's a nice escape from reality, you know?
... then proceed not to even begin to question whether you might be trans for about 12 years 😅
#RuneScape #ThereWereNoSigns #StillCisTho #trans #transgender #TransFem #TransWoman #queer #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+
#RuneScape #therewerenosigns #stillcistho #trans #transgender #transfem #transwoman #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia
@imdat Gen Z are based 🥰
I get what you mean about not liking certain hair growth. I may have felt similar things myself, but didn't feel able to shave any of it until university 😅
#therewerenosigns #stillcistho
The totally cis male urge to be obsessed with "The Passion Of New Eve" by Angela Carter when studying it at university 😅
#trans #transgender #transition #ThereWereNoSigns #StillCisTho
#trans #transgender #transition #therewerenosigns #stillcistho
Right?? Before I cracked I was a folk singer and I always played the shit out of this one. #ThereWereNoSigns
Huh. Anyone else had weird feelings for Calhoun from Wreck it Ralph back when the first movie came out?
It just hit me, I think i was either crushin or gender envy. idk which :P