The Tyee: A Speaker Series on Bridging the Political Divide (in Presents) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #TheCoddlingoftheAmericanMind:HowGoodIntentionsandBadIdeasareSettingUpaGenerationforFailure #BeforeRoev.Wade:VoicesthatShapedtheAbortionDebateBeforetheSupremeCourt’sRuling #TheRighteousMind:WhyGoodPeopleareDividedbyPoliticsandReligion #TheHappinessHypothesis:FindingModernTruthinAncientWisdom #UBCFredericWoodTheatre
#BCNews #TheTyee #thecoddlingoftheamericanmind #beforeroev #therighteousmind #thehappinesshypothesis #ubcfredericwoodtheatre
@Kitchi I guess I am just going to have to keep re-re-reading #TheRighteousMind by Jonathan Haidt until I can understand how good and decent #Republicans could bring themselves to vote for people like #Gaetz to represent them - like taking a pitbull home for your 5 year old (with apologies to all those nice placid pitbulls)
#gaetz #republicans #therighteousmind