I create #whimsicalart because it feeds joy and helps maintain our spirits. I am alarmed by the book bans, the writing of hate into law all of the anti-woman anti-gay and anti-trans bills and efforts (to name a few) currently happening in Republican areas of the US - and as we're able to help each other keep our spirits we keep this fight for #HumanRights sustainable. Yes, let's keep an eye on the extremists nefarious words and deeds but let's remember to support each other - whoever we are - and sustain our human spirits in the process. That's how we win.
#WomensRights #lgbtqrights #transrights #democracynow #VotingRights #therighttoread #blackrights #latinorights #booksnotbans #bansoffourbodies
#whimsicalart #humanrights #womensrights #lgbtqrights #transrights #democracynow #votingrights #therighttoread #blackrights #latinorights #booksnotbans #bansoffourbodies
@film #Bales2023FilmChallenge March 2: Children #reading for #NationalReadAcrossAmericaDay
In Het Leesplankje [The Reading Lesson] (Johan van der Keuken, 1973), Amsterdam schoolchildren recite the words from a reading board (more about that in the alt text), while the traditional teaching method's pictures are interspersed with news photos of then-current events and children's drawings. This short, and life, is haunting and violent; schools should be safe for all. Even if only to escape in a book.
#film #Netherlands #books #education #schools #TheRightToRead #reading #ShortFilm #experimental @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #reading #nationalreadacrossamericaday #film #netherlands #books #education #schools #therighttoread #shortfilm #experimental
GitHub has removed the ability to access youtube-dl's source code due to a DMCA request by the RIAA
... The clear purpose of this source code is to (i) circumvent the technological protection measures used by authorized streaming services such as YouTube, and (ii) reproduce and distribute music videos and sound recordings owned by our member companies without authorization for such use. We note that the source code is described on GitHub as “a command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and a few more sites.” ...
Micah F. Lee (EFF/The Intercept @micahflee https://nitter.net/micahflee/status/1319746131723628544?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
"RIAA blitz takes down 18 GitHub projects used for downloading YouTube videos"
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24872911
Reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/jgub36/youtubedl_just_received_a_dmca_takedown_from_riaa/
Reddit search: https://old.reddit.com/r/dredmorbius/search/?q=youtube-dl+dmca&sort=relevance&t=all
Nitter/Birbsite: https://nitter.net/search?f=tweets&q=youtube-dl+riaa+dmca&since=&until=&near=
Censorship, propaganda, surveillance, and targeted manipulation are inherent characteristics of monopoly: https://joindiaspora.com/posts/7bfcf170eefc013863fa002590d8e506
RMS, "The Right to Read" (1997): https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.en.html
Remember that the RIAA is a bad-publicity-deflection cartel of its major members. These are:
#DMCA #youtubedl #RIAA #MPAA #github #Censorship #Surveillance #Propaganda #Manipulation #Monoply #CensorshipPropagandaSurveillanceMonopoly #TheRightToRead #EFF
#sony #SonyMusic #universalmusic #AtlanticRecords #disney #ExcelerationMusic #InterscopeGeffen #NonesuchRecords #PartisanRecords #ProvidentMusic #SireRecords #TommyBoy #warnermusic #dmca #youtubedl #riaa #mpaa #github #censorship #surveillance #propaganda #manipulation #monoply #CensorshipPropagandaSurveillanceMonopoly #therighttoread #eff