Challenge USA Episode 8 Pod
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Before tonight's POV episode listen to our Big Brother 25 Episode 14, September 3rd Nominations Recap.
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Big Brother 25 EP 13 eviction recap podcast
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Big Brother 25 Podcast Episode 5 Noms Recap!
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#bb25 #bigbrother #cbsbigbrother #felicia #luke #realitynsfw #theringer #cirie #hisam #izzy #thechallengeusa #thechallenge #realitytvpodcast #reilly #rhap
#rhap #reilly #realitytvpodcast #TheChallenge #thechallengeusa #izzy #hisam #cirie #theringer #realitynsfw #luke #felicia #cbsbigbrother #bigbrother #bb25 Why the Celtics Had No Choice but to Extend Jaylen Brown | The Ryen Russillo Podcast #AtlanticDivision #Basketball #BostonCeltics #contract #EasternConference #JaylenBrown #NBA #TheRinger #TheRyenRussilloPodcast
#atlanticdivision #basketball #bostonceltics #contract #easternconference #jaylenbrown #nba #theringer #theryenrussillopodcast Steph Curry on What CP3 Adds to the Warriors | Real Ones | The Ringer #ChrisPaul #GoldenStateWarriors #PacificDivision #StephCurry #TheRinger #Warriors #WesternConference
#chrispaul #goldenstatewarriors #pacificdivision #stephcurry #theringer #warriors #westernconference Steph Curry Reflects on a Complicated Warriors Season | Real Ones | The Ringer #DraymondGreen #GoldenStateWarriors #KlayThompson #LoganMurdock #PacificDivision #RajaBell #RealOnes #StephCurry #TheRinger #Warriors #WesternConference
#draymondgreen #goldenstatewarriors #klaythompson #loganmurdock #pacificdivision #rajabell #realones #stephcurry #theringer #warriors #westernconference How Will Fred VanVleet’s Max Deal Affect the Rockets? | Group Chat #Basketball #FredVanvleet #FreeAgency #GroupChat #HoustonRockets #NBA #SouthwestDivision #TheRinger #WesternConference
#basketball #fredvanvleet #freeagency #groupchat #houstonrockets #nba #southwestdivision #theringer #westernconference What Will the Lakers Do This Offseason? | Group Chat #AustinReaves #D'angeloRussell #GroupChat #LebronJames #LosAngelesLakers #PacificDivision #RingerNBA #TheRinger #WesternConference
#austinreaves #d #groupchat #lebronjames #losangeleslakers #pacificdivision #ringernba #theringer #westernconference The Chicago Bulls Are Stuck in NBA Hell | The Bill Simmons Podcast #BasketballPodcast #BasketballShow #BillSimmonsShow #CentralDivision #ChicagoBulls #ChicagoBullsBasketball #ChicagoBullsNews #DemarDeRozan #EasternConference #NbaDraft #NbaPodcast #NBAShow #NbaSummerLeague #NbaTradeNews #NbaTradeRumors #NikolaVucevic #RingerNBA #RingerPodcast #SpotifyPodcast #TheBillSimmonsPodcast #TheRinger #VucevicContract #ZachLaVine
#basketballpodcast #basketballshow #billsimmonsshow #centraldivision #chicagobulls #chicagobullsbasketball #chicagobullsnews #demarderozan #easternconference #nbadraft #nbapodcast #nbashow #nbasummerleague #nbatradenews #nbatraderumors #nikolavucevic #ringernba #ringerpodcast #spotifypodcast #thebillsimmonspodcast #theringer #vuceviccontract #zachlavine
"For Frank Ocean to no longer be the same Frank Ocean who held them emotionally hostage for a decade meant that they would realize what Andre had told the previous generation: Heroes eventually die, horoscopes often lie."
Jeff Weiss on Frank Ocean's performance at weekend one of Coachella, for #TheRinger:
#theringer #longreads #music #coachella #frankocean
I love listening to Ryen Russillo’s take on #NBA. In this recent episode, where he shares his opinion on Draymond Green’s foul on Sabonis, I bursted out laughing when he said:
“Draymond Green tried to resuscitate Sabonis with chest compressions even though he was still alive with his foot.”
#Podcast #theringer #basketball #sports #nba
Some other random newsletter emails from 2016: #TheGuardian’s (UK) #TheFiver; #TheRinger; the #DoctorWho newsletter; the #bananarepublic department store.
#bananarepublic #doctorwho #theringer #thefiver #theguardian
(As I said earlier, #TheRinger will publish something like this, demonstrating they read dirt sheets more than actually watch WWE shows, and at the same time publish something decent like Bayley’s interview with The Masked Man Show for their podcast network [and The Ringer’s Wrestling Show podcast feed]. Make it make sense and all that.)
The frustrating thing about #TheRinger is they have on staff a guy who mangles NXT kayfabe in his “best of #prowrestling” articles while taking swipes at WWE and another guy who things you can figure out Elimination Chamber match winners by math. And then they have people do decent profiles of people like Charlotte Flair. It’s wild.
Also I’m not going to link to the other #TheRinger wrestling article today where one of their writers goes on a word salad tangent to say, “well, akctually” in regards to the current Bloodline story in #WWE and Roman Reigns as champion, claiming #AEW storylines are better.
This is #TheRinger’s wrestling coverage at its best: a history of a wrestling scene not usually mentioned in the history of wrestling, wrestling in the Bahamas. #prowrestling #history
#history #prowrestling #theringer
I am BEGGING the wrestling writers for #TheRinger to not cite stuff from places like The Sportster (a site where a lot of their articles barely cite sources) for their articles. This time it’s a piece that’s trying to do Steiner Math for Elimination Chamber matches. The piece cites The Sportster re: Paul Heyman leaving WWE/ECW after December to Dismember and runs with that publication’s suggestion that he was fired.
A very good read about #MarcusPeters #TheRinger #BaltimoreRavens #RavensFlock
#marcuspeters #theringer #BaltimoreRavens #ravensflock