OK so when I got those passport photos in Snappy Snaps the other day, I put the (thermal paper) receipt in the little wallet next to the freshly printed prints...
...and this happened.
I think I might have just discovered a new alt printing process 😆
One for @klizana perhaps?
And nope, you still can't see the original photos cos I still look like a serial killer. This is all you're getting!
Chunky thermal (transfer) printer arrived. #thermaltransfer #thermalprintsquad
#thermalprintsquad #thermaltransfer
@colorblindcowboy This is really cool. And that video is also wild!
I look forward to seeing more!
I do remain surprised that for all of the #thermalprintsquad awesomeness during #instantregret there was only a very few z-ink entries.
#instantregret #thermalprintsquad
So here’s one for the #ThermalPrintSquad !
Talking to my friend earlier, who is an obstetrician. I was telling her about the #ShittyCameraChallenge and the folks with toy thermal cameras and she said: “don’t laminate them!”
Apparently they use thermal printers to print out people’s scans. Every so often somebody gets home and decides to laminate the first picture of their baby so they can keep it for posterity… 🫥 😬 😆
#shittycamerachallenge #thermalprintsquad
@libbyk @keithdevereux I was so jealous of the #ThermalPrintSquad i just had to join #FloppyDiskSquad
#FloppyDiskSquad #thermalprintsquad
@keithdevereux thank you 👍 It's taken me about 20-odd years. I jumped on the #ThermalPrintSquad bandwagon pretty quickly.
@DrAniaW hello! 👋 I think this might be our first #ThermalPrintSquad photo making it into the thread!